800 Mile Club


Tuesday 10/30/18 (Read 41 times)


    Last night's get together with the boat but without Little Walter



    BTW - where's the food? All I see are wine and beer bottles! Must have been some party!


    Trails are hard!


      BTW - where's the food? All I see are wine and beer bottles! Must have been some party!


      There is a salad bowl there.  And would you expect anything otherwise?

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



        We ate all the food! I see the salad bowl off on the right there. We ate the pizzas, shrimp, mushrooms, cheese, crackers and hummus, nuts, Almond M&M's, cannolis, cookies, goodness what else. There was a lot of food and it almost all disappeared! Fun times. Yes, we went through some wine and that yummy Arrogant Bastard beers that Stumpy brought. Good times indeed.


        Got out for 5.6 miles today, running the Alewife Brook Greenway to Cambridge, then back and the Minuteman Trail to Arlington (Spy Pond Park) and back. I do love running around here, although my Garmin sometimes doesn't like dealing with all the buildings. Today was better than yesterday. So now we've cleaned out our e-mails, done some work stuff (hey, mandatory to avoid spending the rest of the week catching up) and played with Little Walter who is now sleeping on the bed. We'll hit up the local sandwich shop for a yummy sammich before heading to the airport around 4 or so. It was only 9° in Fairbanks this morning!


          I normally don’t post while at work. Owen’s contracts are five to three minutes apart. I may make it an early day.



          Rose Colored Glasses

            I normally don’t post while at work. Owen’s contracts are five to three minutes apart. I may make it an early day.


            Oh yeah! Happy Labor Day! Safe passage sweet baby boy!

              Jlynne I totally agree that AGs are often a wreck. Each year the next year creates an ever bigger gap. There is not much difference between a 30 and 35 year old racer, but that certainly is not true of 60 and 65. I wish the RDs would set AGs based on the number of people by AG and not some arbitrary 5 or 10 year ranges. I realize that requires a computer which these days I would not have thought to be such an impediment.


              buehrle yep, I think a lot of people believe that if they think about having gone to PT often enough that should work. Kind or like exercise. Thinking about going to the gym or out for a run is sort of the same as actually doing so.  Next time you are looking for star warriors bring this along:


              evanflein please it is not even December! Do not post things like 9° ever again!!! 


              This is sort of funny. DW and I thought we would try to go to a restaurant, my first since the operation!, this weekend. We were thinking of which of our favorite local places to go to. Earlier this week a friend of ours quit working for a firm and is just going to run her existing private practice. Then she put out a note saying she and her DH were going to celebrate with dinner out and asked several people to join them. We said yes, and yes you do know where this is going. What restaurant did she then subsequently pick in a text this afternoon? Yep, one we detest! A cheap Italian place whose only redeeming feature is serving large quantities of low quality high calorie "classics" at a fairly low price.  To add insult to injury, a place called the Black Duck Café is closing after this Sunday (and will not open this Thursday or Friday). It was featured on a very early episode of Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. DW and I would much, much rather have gone there one last time (okay, only our second time ever, but still) than to the bad Italian place we will end up at.

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->  http://allrecipes.com/cook/4379041/

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                Hello everybody!


                Just a little rant from an old lady, and I never understood this before when my older sister used to complain about it, but a lot of our small local races just group everyone over 60 into one big category. There's a BIG difference from someone who just turned 60 and those of us on the downward side of it when it comes to race results. Oh well, be grateful for the gift, right?

                My very 1st race as a 60 year old, the age group was 50+.  I ended up taking 1st in it but was still irritated.  My old pastor's dad died early this year.  He was a runner.  At his funeral, a couple people talked about how, when he reached his 70's, he got a few different races to increase the age groups into the 80's, by his persistent complaining.


                Its a rest day, for me.


                Okay--gotta go.  See ya!




                  evanflein please it is not even December! Do not post things like 9° ever again!!! 




                  even more frightening were the pictures of their home - lots of white stuff



                    Hope baby Owen has a safe arrival!  Yay!


                    What a great picture of the RA gathering!  The only ones I've met IRL are Erika, Henrun, and Marj - hope to meet the rest of you one of these years!


                    RCG, I love your posts and the descriptions of your runs. So glad you're back here again!


                    I had a chilly 5 mile run in lightly falling snow this afternoon.  It was beautiful!  I'm almost all packed and heading for Moab tomorrow.  It looks like the best day to drive across Vail Pass on I-70.  I put my snow tires on yesterday (in 55 degree weather!) to make sure driving the pass isn't too scary.  I'm looking forward to the race on Saturday. 


                    Sending healing hugs to all of you on the injured list.  I am beyond grateful to be running pain free, especially after my knee surgery in August.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      4 centimeters. I’ll rotate my tires then see about heading up.




                        The little fun run 5k fundraiser for my hometown XC team on July 4th has age group categories, I won the "masters" category of "overall winner over 30"  this year; and 3rd overall. It seems that you should never trust anyone over 30, and that the old demarcation of "old age" remains the same in small rural towns where time stands still. There were only a few people older than me in the race, but they probably would have liked to been recognized for their 70 y/o effort.


                        I like the age group awards in big races, but they can become more like participation medals in small races. I take very little satisfaction from being 1AG by default. Perhaps there needs to be a minimum number to have separate AG.

                        Started running at age 60.

                        AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                        AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                        Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.

                          5.6 sir mix it up a lot


                          400m warmup, 1 mile BAREFOOT via running 100m down and back on astroturf infield repeatedly, 800m at perceived 3k/2M pace (didn't watch watch); 3:02, one lap jog, then a 3.5 mile run.


                          I had forgot about the benefits of barefoot running as a training tool, and was recently reminded so I decided to do a mile of it. (I'm no Tet). I was surprised to see my pace was much faster than it felt, in the 6:00-6:45 range but felt more like 7:30 range. And that set the biomechanics for the 800m, and for at least the first half of the 3.5 run. I'll try to do at least 1 mile barefoot each week now. It didn't wake my achilles, but I feel a bit of the PF ache on the foot where I had it a few years ago. Stanford distance runners used to finish their day with barefoot strides, but I'm wondering about doing it at the start of a workout, because it really did make me run that way for most of the rest of my workout in shoes.


                          Age groups: there's sort of a bell curve of ability and age regarding how much deviation from the mean there is per year of age. It's obvious there's a difference between 8 and 9 years old, 12 and 13, 15 and 16, etc. up to about age 21-22 and things level off between ages for a while, and the differences start becoming more pronounced after age 35, and then there's the noticeable difference between 40-45, 45 and 50, and it may get down to year at a time by age 60; there being a noticeable difference between 62 and 63, etc. I'm sure some math-person can look at all the data from many races and draw a curve that would give a good idea where age-group separations should be. And I suspect they would need to have different ranges based on age rather than a uniform 10 or 5 year group. The younger and older ends of the spectrum would have 1-year increments.


                          Also very horrible for RD's ordering awards! 🤣

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                            even more frightening were the pictures of their home - lots of white stuff


                            Ya - that  a little pit in my stomach!!! Not looking forward to the white stuff here!!



                              Hey y'all, body told me to back off some today....and I actually listened to it.  4 easy miles.  Nice temps pre-sunup, but warmed quite a bit today.  Also skipped the bike ride tonight.  I didn't know the course.  Will likely regret that as temps were quite nice for cycling and that is likely to change the next couple of weeks.  Plus it will be darker with the pending time change.


                              Mariposai, Congratulations!


                              Steve, prayers for a safe arrival.


                              Have a great night everyone!


                                4 centimeters. I’ll rotate my tires then see about heading up.


                                Hoping for safe arrival and soon, Steve!


                                I just got in from my last pre-marathon run.   Was going to do it on Wednesday morning, but looks like a lot of rain tomorrow and it was sunny and mild this evening, so out I went at 7pm.   The hay is in the barn.   Race on Saturday.


                                Rock on, folks.




                                I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   
