Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 4.24.24 (Read 33 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Yes, today is a palindrome, or pandemonium, as Steve referred to it.


    I have a busy day today, so no time for a recap. However, here are a couple of links to articles about keeping deer out of your garden:  The one thing that is clear is that there is no fool-proof method.


    I slept in just a little this morning, and chose core work and weights as my workout of choice for this morning, which was a good call since I noticed later that it was raining out. It was a 70 minute workout, with some of the exercises feeling harder than they should have. Maybe I was just fatigued before I started.


    Have a greta Wednesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thanks Jay!! I LOVE today’s date and am working on the labor floor so we should be welcoming  some new babies today!!


      A** in seat a few minutes late, but still knocked out a 30min PZ ride before my shift!!



        Kettlebell workout this morning.


        I'm headed Tomwhite's way on Saturday for a funeral in Maryville, TN. The second in a group of best friends I made during our time in Michigan has died. He had pancreatic cancer. It was 3 years ago that the first guy died unexpectedly after cutting his lawn. I kind of wish we kept in contact more often after we all scattered from Michigan but it is pretty tough when we're all making a new life where we are.



        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          Jay - happy palindrome day.

          It came to mind to me too on this morning's hazily moonlit Safeway walk (before fading away behind the increasing clouds) for some birdseed after a little guy landed on the window sill the other day.


          Steve - happy pandemonium day.

          Ummm, do you ever have any that aren't.


          deez - happy palindrome baby day, if not pandemonium. I bet none of the madam mom or dad parents knows what it means. Until Jay came along, I sure didn't but now love it. Pi too that I used to think was just a long string of numbers we had fun memorizing.


          Dave - happy kettlebell day. Me too. I guess until you came along too I thought it was a kettleball.

          I'm very regretful too about not being able to keep up with old friends and classmates until someone sends around an email with just their name on the subject line. Hope the services allow getting together with some of the remaining others.


          Though I've been fully mobile without the pain that stopped needing painkillers on March 3 (when, by coincidence, I got the last refill that still remains unopened) and completely went away last week so that only some remnant swelling remains, last night was kind of landmark to the prolonged road to full recovery, staying in the sack for nine straight hours for the first time before since the 12/7 surgery that, I guess, was assisted by being fully dehydrated by my first full, nonstop, 5K distance at the nearby hillside park. Yippee.

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


            Full, non stop 5k distance…Good Job, Tet!


            I went to my running clubs 4 mile time trial last night.  I did a run/walk pattern for 1/2 of it.  It wasn’t quite as fun as I’d hoped it would be.  Lots of new faces which is good. I pretty much felt out of the swing of it all.   Ever onward though - next goal 2.25 miles.

              Thanks, Jay.  Good workout!  Good morning, everyone.


              4.3 outside miles.  Beautiful 60 degree, sunny morning.  My legs were really tired from yesterday's 8 miler.  I just don't bounce back the same way these days.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                You still did it, dnaff

                Congrats on pain free Tet!

                Dave, cancer sure sucks.


                21,711 steps yesterday. We went out looking for Gelato last night, and what was supposed to be 30 minutes away took a lot longer (1.5 hours later, we were still not there - problem of walking thru the city with a bunch of colleagues who wanted to stop and snack at a few places).


                Today an outdoor walking mystery game. It's raining, but I've got my raincoat.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  [[[sorry to hear that dave]]]




                  ..........first 30-min StairClimber work-out at full speed since my knee trouble.......


                  it went well,


                  I already have an ankle that cracks since 1981


                  I figure I just got a knee that cracks


                  ............neither of 'em hurt, so 'Nuff Said.........

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    Tammy, we had a nice vacation trip to Seattle and Portland some 20+ years ago in better times. Whatever happened to Powell's Book Store?


                    Enke, I'm glad to hear that Vancouver is still a nice city to visit. We were there once about 20 years ago. We are planning on being back there next year too. We're thinking of going back to the resort we enjoyed so much in Tofino out on Vancouver Island, but this time want to avoid both Seattle and Victoria. So our current plan is to fly to Vancouver, get a car, and then take the ferry directly over to Nanaimo. The only minor issue is that the pandemic changed Vancouver's role as a major base for Alaska cruises, and as a result they don't have non-stop flights between there and Detroit like they used to. Anyway, we'd spend a few days in the Vancouver area before and/or after our trip to Tofino.


                    Not much to report for a workout -- just rode about 9 miles on the bike trainer. The weather is really depressing as it's supposed to be sub-freezing tonight and feels that cold already out there. Typical April in Michigan!

                    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                      Doug, sadly Powell's closed and is ecommerce only now. (as far as I know their ecommerce is still open?).  bookstores seem to be going the way of the newspaper business - just online/digital. I won't read a book if I can't hold the book and flip the pages, nor will I read a newspaper online. I want the real thing dangit!


                        I won't read a book if I can't hold the book and flip the pages, nor will I read a newspaper online. I want the real thing dangit!


                        This! ^  I unsubscribed to Trail Runner Magazine specifically because it became solely online.  I already stare at a computer all day at work.  I don't want to stare at another digital device when I'm trying to relax by reading.



                        . . . last night was kind of landmark to the prolonged road to full recovery . . . assisted by being fully dehydrated . . .


                          And congrats on being pain-free!


                        Nada for me today.  My body overrode my brain yelling at me to get up and I stayed in bed, so no workout or PT. And I'm going out to dinner with my ladies friends, so all that'll happen when I get home is my PT exercises. 

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                          I'm fine with books on my iPad (unless it is something for church and I want to underline), but I like print newspapers.  However, the local papers have gotten so bad and so expensive, that I have gone to print on Friday/Sunday and online the rest of the week.  I get the print WSJ, which is really expensive, but the online only isn't much cheaper.  I got spoiled because my employers always paid for my WSJ, and in retirement it's on me!   Also, delivery service is really bad around here (and most places).  I'll get the paper every morning for a while and then the carrier quits or something.  It's a company that handles the delivery, and they have trouble getting carriers (drivers).  It's not the most sought after job.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                            Ooo, used bookstores! Love 'em.


                            We have a nice little one in town nearby, which is great. They used to have a location on Capitol Hill in DC and the overstock made it's way here, which was awesome. That store closed some years back, though, so it's just this location now. It's still a nice place to browse and we've sold  tons of books to them as we've culled our book collection the last few years.

                            Doug, sadly Powell's closed and is ecommerce only now. (as far as I know their ecommerce is still open?).

                            Wait, when did that happen? Their website still shows Portland and Beaverton locations.

                            When I lived in NYC and had no money, the Strand was my heaven.  It's changed over the years but I still try to pop in every time I'm back in the city.


                            I tacked on a bunch of vacation time to a work trip in the mid-80's and poked around the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, camping and backpacking. My urban side-trip was visiting the Expo in Vancouver. I thought it was a lovely city. One of my close colleagues moved from being a prof at the U of Toronto the U of BC now, so I keep threatening to visit.


                            My Caps have the Rangers right where they want them: lulled into a false sense of security.

                            Henry--that last Toronto win was before my time! Looks like it's going to be a close series again!

                            Be safe. Be kind.


                              oops my bad! I believe it was one of their other smaller locations that closed. I thought it was the main store, but looks like you've corrected me. Thanks!


                                We have 3 pretty good used bookstores - 2 from which I alternate buying The Hub's a gift certificate every year for his birthday in the amount of his age. And then when I go to Portland, I hit up the Goodwills looking for books.  We have waaaaay too many books right now and need to sell the back to the local stores for credit.

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

