Masters Running


CNYrunner and Super-Granny's Buffalo adventure: Margaritas, laughs and a half-marathon master's PR (Read 356 times)

    (Scroll down a bit if you just want race details)---way long, I know! My beloved grandmother is my absolute idol and while I no doubt annoy all of you with endless tales about her, I simply can’t resist. It’s not so much because she is 97.5 years-old and lives alone (15 miles from my house in Springfield, MA), but more because she gives me a window into family history and is one of a long line of very strong Freeman, Jackson, and Lee women. She is also hilarious, whip smart and fearless. She would never describe herself in those ways and that makes it even better. She is my father’s mother and the resemblance is striking even at pint-size. She hadn’t seen her younger sister, my 89 year-old great aunt, in almost two years (she lives in Buffalo, NY near her son). They talk on the phone every Sunday and yet illness or transportation challenges made more frequent visits a challenge. A few months ago I saw the Buffalo Marathon and half marathon listed on a race calendar and it all lined up with Memorial Day weekend and no client travel on the bookend workdays. “Grandma, get your suitcase, we’re going to Buffalo. Call your sister!” The Weekend begins: Granny and I hit the road on Friday with all the other travelers trekking across the Berkshires and then down along the Mohawk River and the Erie Canal---“Low bridge, everybody down”…..oh wait, that’s later. We chattered, laughed and Granny dozed a bit as the miles clicked away. We stopped in Pittsford, NY and had tea with my mother-in-law and father-in law (this is where the Erie Canal song works---they live near Lock 32). Refreshed and rejuvenated…we covered the last bit of the trip to Buffalo with ease. Granny was pretty quiet in that last hour and she said it was a combination of excitement to see her sister and what she calls being Journey Proud. My great aunt has lived in Buffalo since 1949 and for the last 15 years in a wonderful old apartment building near Delaware Park and the Buffalo Zoo. You can see across to Canada from her kitchen window and the Peace Bridge is just a few miles away. Great Auntie was waiting for us and the sisters embraced and hugged and cried…what a gift and a sight I’ll never forget. My great aunt is a scream and since she is the baby of the family, she loves to tweak my grandmother. I laughed for 48 hours straight. Great Auntie had the margaritas all ready to go and ushered us into her place. My goodness, can these two sisters carry-on. They put on some music and they danced---the Lindy, Foxtrot, The Electric Slide and even some jazzy fast stuff. Age caught up after a bit and after some coughing jags we all trundled off to bed so that we could enjoy as much of Saturday together. On Saturday, I fetched my bib and chip at the Hyatt and then went for an easy three miler in Delaware Park. The weather was spectacular. I did some grocery shopping for the girls and spent the rest of the day laughing and listening as G and G told stories about the family. There were many funny tales as well as powerful and tragic ones. The race was a background player in all of this and I just loved being with them so much. Granny is staying until mid-June and then one of my aunts will drive her back to Western, MA. Race morning: I woke up at 4:59 AM---one minute before my alarm and quickly slipped out of bed so as not to wake the others. Too late…my great aunt was already up making good strong percolator coffee and Granny was there as well. The weather was fantastic---48F and warming to 55F, breezy and bright blue sky and sun. The race started at 7 AM---perfect. I had some marvelous coffee, an apple and half of an Odwalla bar---donned my flag shorts (a bit larger than I remembered and made me look like Hoppy the clown---oh well Clowning around), some blue gloves, a white singlet and my trusty Addidas classic stability sneakers. I was a bit nervous about the late evenings and the pre-race margarita fest, but everything felt okay and I was ready. Goals: Have fun Run strong to the finish Break 1:37 Set a masters PR (break 1:36) Stats: 1:35:10 chip time (overall male winner: Fernando Cabada 1:08:52 overall female winner: Natasha Filliol 1:22:39 ) 78th overall out of 1,700 plus/2nd female master/9th overall woman Course is mostly flat---starts in Downtown Buffalo and then goes along Lakefront Park, Tifft Farm Nature Preserve and back into Buffalo for the finish. The only hills to speak of were two highway overpasses. Splits (I finally used my cheap Timex to capacity to recall all my splits…..when my Mother’s Day present arrives in June, I’ll be really precise ☺) I went into this with 36:30 and 1:13Tight lippedx drilled into my head (where I needed to be at miles 5 and 10 if I wanted to get that sub 1:37) A woman who must have spent most of her life smoking unfiltered Camels sang Oh Canada and then the Star Spangled Banner and we were off at 7 AM. The full marathon started then as well on a parallel street and we joined up at the .5 mile mark until we separated again at 12.5 miles. Mile 1---7:37---started towards the front of the middle and was distracted a bit---forgot my lucky hat and it felt odd---pay attention Karin! Mile 2---14:28---picked it up a bit and got into a pace and race groove---make Granny proud now Mile 3---22:14—kinks worked out, not cold anymore, getting a groove Mile 4---29:38---really fit woman in better fitting shorts and racing flats is in view---looks like a master---go get her-----Roar! Hoppy the clown, my a$$ Mile 5---peeking at watch and hoping….35:51---yowsa, okay---we are racing today 10k---43:53----surging here and pushed a downhill off a short steel bridge---elbows in! lower your shoulders! Stop squinting! Mile 7—50:14---lots of hairpin turns and out and back sections---can see where I am in race…….okay stop counting, too many guys with long beautiful hair, confusing….. Mile 8---57:30---pulled off gloves and took two succeed caps and grabbed water----manage to get most of the water in my mouth Mile 9—1:04:41---spaced out a bit---heading out by the waterfront and no tall people to block the wind----pumping arms lots here and trying not to look like the cartoon character Bill the Cat with arms and legs going everywhere Mile 10---1:12:23---back up the overpass and feeling it a bit, but take THAT goal time 1:13----woo hoo Mile 11---1:19:40---coming back into the city and I spot two women ahead----bear down now Mile 12---1:26:58---reeled the women in and notice an absence of varicose veins or sagging knee skin---hee! See ya chickies! (SST---self-sternum tap---don’t look at your knees while racing----does firming lotion work?) Pass with authority and don’t look back Mile 13.1/Finish---1:35:10---chip and 1:35:23 gun time----I tried to kick harder to the finish especially when the testosterone turbo twins sprinted by me on either side (and thanked me in the finish area----uh, thanks?) I don’t have much of a kick these days and will work on that---although hard to do as I ramp up marathon miles…left that kick back in ninth grade I think! Happy? You bet…well organized race and competitive for its size. The post-race festivities were in the Buffalo Convention Center---Molson Beer Truck, Tim Horton’s coffee and Tim bits and yogurt, fruit, cookies, chips and pizza from Tops market. I scored a nice little trophy for being second overall masters female and $150. Cool! Paid for the gas and some $ left over to get some better hiking boots. G and G whipped up a lovely lunch back at the apartment and wanted to take a picture with the trophy. I said no to that, but did snap a photo or two of them (I'll post when I unload the camera). A wonderful 48 hours and even if my guys weren’t with me, I couldn’t have asked for a better time. These two strong and fabulous women set an impossible standard and at least I have 50 more years or so to work on that. Thanks for reading this far. I write more for the chance to capture a very special trip that I’ll never forget. The race was an important aspect of the journey, but hardly the point.

      cny - what a memory (and memorial day event) you'll have for the rest of your life. your marvelous run was almost secondary to the time with your G's. with those gene's you're going to be running for a long, long, long time. Marj
        Priceless....! Congrats on the PR...I could tell you were really feeling it. Nice job CNY.
        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
          Thanks for sharing this......ALL OF IT. I really enjoyed getting to know your aunt and grandmother. They set the goal for us to attain over the next few years. This is a trip that you will never forget and will cherish greatly some day, even more than you do now. Meanwhile, YOU need to be commended for taking the time out of your schedule to do this for them. Yes, I know you benefited from it, but many would not take the time to bother with "old folks" and THEY are the losers for it. OH......and by the way.....Congratulations on the great racing. That is really neat. Probably the cigarette was an Export, which they tell me is stronger than the American brands. If the lady remembered the words to BOTH anthems, perhaps we will cut her a little slack. Tim Horton' I am jealous. Thanks for the report. SUPER JOB......

          King of PhotoShop

            Well done Karin. And what a nice treat for your grandma and your aunt. Great story. Questions: Do you wear a stability shoe in all races? What did the AG winner do the race in? Do you think you have a faster half in you? Great report. Spareribs
              Heartwarming weekend and awesome racing, too! Thanks for sharing.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                Hoppy the clown...ha! You are amazing! What a wonderful report to read. Grandma sounds like a perfect travelling companion and a lot of fun. What a marvelous tribute to the both of them - I hope you show them your report. Your running is inspiring.

                One day at a time

                  Great job, Karin! Thanks for the report. Your grandmother is about a year older than my grandfather, but he is not doing nearly as well. That's so cool she felt like traveling to see her sister! What a wonderful gift you gave both of them.


                    I love the name "super granny!" Sounds like she should be wearing a cape like Steve. Big grin Both of my grandmothers lived into their late 90s and were strong women too. One of them tripped and fell at my uncle's house when she was in her late 80s, and she ended up with a broken jaw. When the doctors asked her what happened, she said she was skydiving. Cool Terrific race and inspiring race report. Sounds like you shared a special weekend with G&G. I'd love to see your pictures!

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      Congratulations on a great race - 2nd Masters Woman! I was born in Buffalo and grew up about 20 miles north of the city. I hope to go run that race some year.



                        Karin, this was so much fun! Brought back memories of my feisty old aunties. I loved how this was written. It was fun to be with Hoppy the Clown and Bill the Cat... NOT! (I would be Opus to your Bill the Cat) Seriously, you ran so well, you had goals and a plan and executed the plan so well. Congratulations on a marvelous race and wonderful time with two charming, strong women.
                          Sounds like a great weekend, and a terrific race time! Simon.

                          PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                              10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.



                            What a fun report! Thanks for sharing your time with your grandma and great aunt. My grandmother was almost 102 when she died, and great Aunt was in her 90's. They lived next to each other for many years and it wasn't always fun and laughter. Your G & G sound absolutely delightful. Oh... nice race, too! (Loved the part about too many guys with long beautiful hair!) I wonder if we all do that... size up the runners we pass or who pass us... are they in my AG?? Ha. Great report and congratulations on that awesome time.
                              Very well done, Karin, and great RR! Looking forward to pictures...
                                Karin - you are awesome!! besides having an amazing race and taking 2nd place in your age group you shared a weekend that is more beautiful than words can express - i hope this lives in your heart forever - thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us!!

