Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

100.00 m0:12.273:18WPI Track5/5/2009View Race
200.00 m0:25.123:23WPI Track5/5/2009View Race
400.00 m0:523:30Random Route6/2/2007View Race
600.00 m1:293:59Norwich2/3/2007View Race
800.00 m1:59.164:00Dartmouth Track5/19/2007View Race
1000.00 m2:33.894:08BU Indoor Track2/14/2009View Race
1500.00 m4:02.694:21Fitchburg State College4/18/2009View Race
1.00 mi4:19.704:20BU Track1/29/2011View Race
3.00 km9:09.294:55Springfield College Indoor Track12/4/2010View Race
3.00 mi17:075:43Institute Park10/17/2009View Race
5.00 km16:13.255:14Burlington High School Track5/2/2015View Race
8.00 km26:545:25Franklin Park10/9/2010View Race
5.00 mi28:105:38Milford Winter Wonderland 5-Miler1/29/2023View Race
10.00 km34:085:30Jarred's Run11/24/2011View Race
10.00 mi58:165:50Paul Mailman 10-Miler6/27/2010View Race
20.00 km1:16:416:11New Haven Road Race9/7/2015View Race
Half Marathon1:15:285:46Danbury Half Marathon4/6/2014View Race
Marathon2:47:286:24Vermont City Marathon5/29/2016View Race
50.00 mi6:43:368:05Lake Waramaug 50-miler4/21/2013View Race
52.80 mi8:17:379:26Forgotten Forest 9-Hour Race4/20/2024View Race