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7:49 mi

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Back to St. Albans! Ran this after Peloton. I will have to backlog some miles. It's been a crazy few weeks but I listened to 40 hours of podcasts on my drives and I'm feeling quite inspired to have some sort of real goal. Tossing around possibly running the Chicago marathon on my 50th birthday and training for that over the next 18 months. Considered Berlin if I run the sub 3:30 qualifier but it falls right before my birthday and I kind of want it after…. Wondering iif it's possible for me to run a PR or sub 3:15 once again... If I went this route I would want to do it on a legitimate course not a downhill one! This could obviously be a fleeting goal but I ran Chicago for my 40th and we went to Mexico right after and I have so many great memories! Would be fun to recreate. I would maybe consider getting a coach for this.....

ANYWAY, in the meantime for the next couple of months I am working on strength and doing a lot of my aerobic miles outside on my bike or hiking etc. I want to do 2 harder running workouts each week. I need to build this aspect of my fitness and although I tend to enjoy running distance more than speed, I actually think my body is more designed for speed and I never challenge myself here. It would certainly help my marathon to push my HR out of constantly running in zone 2.

I am in qood mental headspace right now in general. Summer will be busy but I am craving the warmth and sunshine and it keeps me happy. I have no races planned until Fall where I will likely do an October marathon and then Big Bear in November. I enjoyed doing those HM's last fall but we will see what happens since starting October 1st Max will be playing every weekend and we plan to follow him and travel those weekends! I reserve the right to constantly change my mind on what fits in with my life and desires but I do thrive off of having hopes and goals etc. and if I can get my hormones to stay settled perhaps I can achieve something.



You can absolutely go sub 3:14 Jenn and PR. I have no doubt. You have been running so well for a while, a 3:37 marathon with no long runs, etc. So excited for you to go for it and for me to follow along:)