Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

1.00 mi5:09.095:10Raspberry 1 Mile7/16/2017View Race
5.00 km17:48.305:44Brian Kraft5/29/2017View Race
4.00 mi23:525:58Lake Johanna3/14/2015View Race
8.00 km28:37.025:463/24/2013View Race
10.00 km37:09.235:59Victory Memorial Parkway9/2/2013View Race
7.00 mi43:19.186:12Ron Daws Course3/29/2014View Race
15.00 km57:48.906:13Crosby Farm8/11/2013View Race
10.00 mi1:01:506:11TC 10 Mile10/9/2016View Race
20.00 km1:22:14.976:38Dam 2 Dam6/2/2018View Race
Half Marathon1:21:10.016:121/1/2013View Race
25.00 km1:41:096:31Ron Daws4/7/2018View Race
17.16 mi2:22:09.978:18Superior 25K5/21/2022View Race
Marathon2:47:27.086:24Chicago Marathon10/13/2013View Race
38.12 mi6:00:009:27FANS6/1/2024View Race