Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

2.00 mi14:17.277:09Yule Light Up the Night12/15/2013View Race
2.49 mi18:09.117:184k on the 4th7/5/2015View Race
3.10 mi21:457:01Fly Like An Eagle 5K9/29/2013View Race
3.17 mi28:39.129:03Great Island 5K10/9/2016View Race
4.00 mi33:19.518:20April Fool's 4 Miler Road Race3/31/2012View Race
5.00 mi37:007:24Fox Point Sunset 5 Mile Road Race9/7/2013View Race
5.70 mi42:22.667:27Stratham Fair 5.7 Miles7/19/2014View Race
6.00 mi56:00.129:21Santa's Toy Trot12/12/2010View Race
6.20 mi46:057:26St. Patty's 10K3/19/2016View Race
6.28 mi57:149:07Market Square Day 10K6/10/2017View Race
10.00 mi1:17:20.107:45Yankee Homecoming 10 Miler7/29/2014View Race
Half Marathon1:37:13.517:26New England Half Marathon9/28/2014View Race
20.00 mi2:36:04.567:49Eastern States 20 Miler3/30/2014View Race
Marathon3:29:248:00Chicago Marathon10/12/2014View Race