Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

1.00 mi5:29.205:30TC 1 Mile5/12/2011View Race
2.75 mi52:20.8019:03Making Strides 5K10/10/2015View Race
5.00 km18:416:01Minneapolis Recycle Run4/17/2011View Race
8.00 km31:576:26Grand Old Day6/1/2008View Race
5.00 mi33:396:44Red, White, and Boom! TC Half Marathon7/4/2012View Race
6.00 mi41:076:52Drumstick Dash 6 Mile11/22/2007View Race
10.00 km37:32.776:03Get In Gear - Virtual4/14/2021View Race
6.75 mi46:53.106:57Red, White, and Boom! TC Half Marathon7/4/2018View Race
10.00 mi1:03:24.366:21Hot Dash - Virtual3/31/2020View Race
Half Marathon1:24:126:26Polar Dash1/1/2012View Race
13.15 mi1:27:59.816:42Red, White, and Boom! TC Half Marathon - Virtual7/4/2020View Race
25.00 km1:47:166:55City of Lakes 25K9/13/2009View Race
20.00 mi2:17:296:53Bear Water Run9/10/2011View Race
Marathon2:49:00.616:27Twin Cities Marathon - Virtual10/4/2020View Race