Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

2.95 mi19:406:40Avid Campus5/20/2009View Race
3.12 mi31:18.3410:03Road - Random2/9/2019View Race
3.14 mi23:22.887:27Ferry Meadows Park Run2/15/2020View Race
Half Marathon1:37:367:28Bay State Half Marathon10/21/2012View Race
13.20 mi1:46:35.938:05Parlee Loop5/31/2020View Race
20.00 mi3:37:47.0310:54TARC 10M Loop9/9/2023View Race
Marathon3:41:528:29Bay State Marathon10/19/2008View Race
26.25 mi3:34:19.938:10Bruce Freeman Rail Trail4/20/2021View Race
26.41 mi3:42:15.628:25Parlee Loop9/27/2020View Race
31.10 mi5:11:45.9010:02TARC 10M Loop9/28/2019View Race
31.24 mi6:28:12.0512:26Great Brook Farm4/19/2020View Race
31.33 mi7:08:37.2613:41Trail - Random6/9/2018View Race