ultimate runner's test...... (Read 4097 times)

Roses Revenge

    I wonder if Nike knows about this thread and how they feel about it and whether or not any confidentiality clauses in their contracts have been breached.

    Marathon Maniac #991 Half Fanatic #58 Double Agent #22  It's a perfect day and I feel great!

    Jazz hands!

      So do you want to learn how to test it yourself right now?
      Yes. Teach us. Go for it.
      run run run AHHHHHH run run run

      Options,Account, Forums

        And physics kind of works the same for everyone not from Krypton.
        I used to think that too, when I was an uneducated young whippersnapper like you. But now I'm older and wiser, and know that Kenyan women have different physics than us. Kara does too, I've noticed, by the way, have great physics. What was the topic again?

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          Here are some sports figures who must be from Krypton based on their names: Hicham El-Guerrouj (runner) Antwaan Randle El (wide receiver) Joel Pineiro (pitcher. He pronounces it joe-EL, not 'joel') El Kabong (cartoon superhero who bashes with a guitar)


          sport jester


            This is what I wrote KosherDave with modification In running, you’re pushing yourself forward. In climbing for optimum efficiency, your goal is to pull yourself up to each new step through using your glutes to push your torso over your knee. As taught in strength training, athletes are told not to bend their knees more than 90 degrees. Greater angles put more pressure on the knee as your tendons pass from the quads through the kneecap as you climb. That difference is crucial to your climbing race. Pulling instead of pushing yourself removes all of the energy wasted by conventional runners to reach the top through increased friction to the femur. Your goal is to keep your torso as still as possible as you pull it upwards. To introduce yourself to the biomechanic change, I offer you the following technique: For climbing biomechanic efficiency, take a piece of masking tape and create a “training line” at least six feet long on the floor to practice walking. The most important aspect to learning this is to start training barefoot. Barefoot training will help you tremendously With stair stepping, there won’t be enough of a step shelf to put your entire foot at rest on the step, so you’ll need to develop the strength in your feet to comfortably carry your bodyweight and learn the balance skills necessary to move quickly and (most importantly) as biomechanically efficient as possible. Start with your bare feet on the floor tape with the middle of your heel directly over the middle of the tape. Place your second toe outward from your big toe on the middle of the tape for positioning. Set your second foot heel to touch your second toe of the planted foot and place the second foot in direct mimicry of your first foot in heel and second toe position. What you’ll find is that you’re highly unstable. To find your natural body posture for climbing, let your hips drop to the floor to the point that your back leg knee can roll itself behind your front leg and remain upright and balanced. Keep your torso leaning backward. Just take the time to become comfortable with this posture. You’ll easily feel your body wobble. That instability is merely demonstrating the muscle control you’ll need, and currently don’t have. The running technique looks highly similar to how a professional model walks. What I ask of you is to practice keeping your load bearing foot flat on the ground and swing your weightless leg around in front slowly and place it centerline of the heel and the same second toe in from the big toe. That's your foot's natural centerline. Centerline of the foot, centerline of the knees, and centerline of the body all have to line up. Just take your first steps slowly until you get the feel of it, by walking on your tape line. but most of all, pull your weight onto your weightless foot as it sits flat on the ground... I recommend you practice this perspective in front of a mirror so that you can see how perfectly aligned your body posture truly is. If you find it difficult to balance, then you’re identifying the muscles that you need to train to be a good climber. This technique also works well for trail running as well as steep hill running. On the floor, practice your weight pull to your lead step and rolling your back leg from around to place it in front of your new weight bearing foot. It will seem awkward at first, but much easier when you transfer that motion to step climbing. The most difficult part to this is learning how to become comfortable with rolling your upper legs inward with each step. Keeping your body to a natural centerline is paramount to efficient climbing, as well as walking and running. For your fist training steps follow the tape you’ve placed and get used to rolling your knees to your body’s centerline with each step as well as keeping your feet straight in landing. If you’re successful, then you should find walking with absolutely no arm swing very simple to accomplish. Torso rotation elimination is important to you as a climber, but for a firefighter, the added 60lbs of equipment to carry requires a perfectly still torso. In firefighting, your oxygen supply is limited to your bottle; a reality you won’t face. So for them, every extra motion wastes oxygen. Getting rid of torso rotation and arm swing is vital to a firefighter. For yourself, it will keep your heart rate as low as possible. When you get comfortable with walking on the floor tape, you have to become aware and perfect your weight balance shift to your big and second toe outward for all of your load bearing. In running, your weight load and balance is in forward lean and pronation of the feet. In walking efficiently, you don’t want to lean forward, your goal is to keep your center of gravity behind the lead foot of each step. Give that a try and write with your thoughts

            Experts said the world is flat

            Experts said that man would never fly

            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


            Name me one of those "experts"...


            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

            sport jester


              As to roses, no confidentiality agreements are breached. My work is mine. How they applied it to shoe design is theirs. Since this isn't discussing how they design, or build shoes, there's nothing being disclosed. And to the above introduction, here's my point: When you walk your foot lifts your bodyweight every step you take. That's about 1500 steps per mile. If you can become comfortable with walking on the tape line, you can try it on a treadmill with about 3% incline to start with. But if you can master walking inline, what you'll quickly notice is that there's far less body motion, and you've completely removed the energy you waste pushing yourself up with each step...

              Experts said the world is flat

              Experts said that man would never fly

              Experts said we'd never go to the moon


              Name me one of those "experts"...


              History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


              One day at a time

                sport jester


                  Well that's a very short answer to a pretty long post Smile

                  Experts said the world is flat

                  Experts said that man would never fly

                  Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                  Name me one of those "experts"...


                  History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong



                    So do you want to learn how to test it yourself right now?
                    I wanna learn where I can get some of whatever you are sniffing and/or smoking.

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay

                    sport jester


                      why? did you try it...

                      Experts said the world is flat

                      Experts said that man would never fly

                      Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                      Name me one of those "experts"...


                      History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                        Apologies for not having been following along all twenty-something pages of this morass but has anyone heard from kosherdave since he began studying in sport jester's dojo? Is he, erm, okay?

                        Runners run

                          Hi Sports Jester, Apologies for not finding your research questions earlier. I am very interested in improving my running speed by 20% and would love to know how to do it. I haven't read all of the silliness in this thread, so excuse me if this has already been covered, but from what I can gather you are saying that you can teach Kenyan women to run 20% quicker? If that is right then I am amazed as it would make them almost as quick as that girl from England!!!! How do you propose to make the Kenyan women quicker? Should they be walking more?

                          12-week layoff

                            On flat ground or going up the Empire State Building? Let's clarify exactly what we're discussing here please, because sometimes, if you're not careful, people can bring unrelated material in and clutter up these threads.
                            Said the pot to the kettle.

                              Said the pot to the kettle.
                              Speaking of which, I wonder what Bar Rafaeli is up to.

                              Runners run


                              Self anointed title

                                If that is right then I am amazed as it would make them almost as quick as that girl from England!!!! How do you propose to make the Kenyan women quicker? Should they be walking more?
                                That's my girl!