Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


Cobra Commander Keen


    Joe Biden is surely a contender.


    I took a Greyhound from Milwaukee to Chicago in 2016 and it was fine.  I was very nervous we might break down in some of the outer suburbs of Chicago though.


    You're either more brave or more foolish than I.


    Mark - Congratulations on the win!

    Flavio - Nice week with all the travel. Do you have a goal for the upcoming 5k that you want on the board?

    Merkle - Nice week (especially the LR), but that sucks about the jellyfish. Do you have any idea what kind it was?

    Dave - Congrats on your great week.

    DWave with a "return to running talk" comment just a few posts after the first one, lol. Alternating 20 milers and LRs with quality seems a bit intimidating.
    I did recognize parts of that video - perhaps I'll dial up my situational awareness while running in DC from 9 to 11. BTW, I'll be in DC at least once, possibly twice by next summer.

    WCR - Marathon pace runs I can't say I'm a fan of across the board (occasionally testing things like nutrition and race kit at that effort is another matter), though marathon effort I think is a bit better. "At what effort could I run a marathon right now?"
    Even on the same course, the resulting pace would be radically different between "in the summer doing high mileage" vs "winter during a down-mileage week".


    Consecutive 100 mile week #3 in the books.

    I had to switch my weekend runs around, which is going to lead to a big (possibly my biggest ever) rolling week Sunday-Saturday. I also forgot to set my alarm for Sunday morning and woke up 1.5 hours later than I wanted to, so I had to stick with a flat loop instead of doing hill repeats the entire time. My coach did comment that he was somewhat relieved to see my run map covering more than 1/4 mile of road. I'm 9 weeks out from my goal race and figure I'll get in at least a few more hill repeat long runs in - I just wish I had access to better hills without having to drive 30+ minutes.


    Weekly for period: From: 08/07/2023 To 08/13/2023

    <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
    Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
    in ft
    08/07 17 geese, 4 deer (4 strides), & 2 rabbits 12.05 19.39 01:42:33 08:31 05:17 1053
    08/07 Another runchable 5.00 8.05 00:42:48 08:34 05:19 269
    08/08 3 deer (3 strides) & 1 rabbit 8.00 12.88 01:16:42 09:35 05:57 479
    08/08 2 buzzards 5.05 8.12 00:47:14 09:21 05:49 312
    08/09 1,2,3,2,.25 mi ladder 17.00 27.36 02:12:37 07:48 04:51 436
    08/09 Now, to work on this calorie deficit 5.05 8.12 00:47:43 09:27 05:53 322
    08/10 In the future, remind me to take the first couple days of school off work to celebrate the new silence in the house 7.00 11.27 01:06:59 09:34 05:57 344
    08/10 4 hawks 5.05 8.13 00:47:21 09:23 05:49 233
    08/11 2 meteors & 1 hawk 14.06 22.62 02:04:12 08:50 05:29 636
    08/12 6 lightning bugs, 4 meteors, & a heck of a light show on the way back 6.10 9.82 00:59:08 09:42 06:01 295
    08/13 6 rabbits, 3 Blackhawks, & 1 deer (1 stride) 20.05 32.27 02:42:54 08:07 05:03 669

    Totals: Time: 15:10:11 - 🦅Imperial: 104.43 mi - Metric: 168.02 km

    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


    Upcoming Races:


    July 4  - Firecracker 5k



    Mmmm Bop

      I've never been an advocate of MP runs. 
      a) How do I know what MP is? My actual marathon times are rarely what calculators say they should be.
      b) MP falls within the range of aerobic runs, too slow for tempo or LT, so how is it different from any other easy run?
      c) MP under what conditions? ideal? expected race? current?

      d) If you go by effort, effort at what stage of the race? Early miles are easy, final miles are hard.


      If the supposed purpose is to get a feel of what MP is, it's a poor method and does little to prepare you what a marathon feels like.  Unless you extend your MP runs to 20 miles or so.  A good progression run would be better preparation as you need to increase your effort over the last miles as you would over the last miles of the race.


      If you’ve gathered enough HR data then I think MP runs can be useful to figure out if it’s actually realistic. Pretty much all my 16 sub3s were around the 160bpm mark (first one in 2010 at 162bpm and PR in 2019 was 159bpm). However, it’s important to know that HR will rise during the latter stages of a marathon regardless if you run an even split…so a training run with goal MP should be a few beats lower than overall HR for the race.


      ETA - An MP run might not be the most ideal workout physically….but if you’ve got the HR data then that will help mentally in a marathon no question.

      5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


      Overweight per CDC BMI

        Consecutive 100 mile week #3 in the books.

        Keen - where in OK are you located and how are you adjusting to be able to get in 100-mile weeks in the heat? I know you are training for a couple big races in October and put in a lot more mileage than me in general but I have had no interest in doing more than 12-mile long runs this summer. Our average low temp during July and August has been 74 so even getting up really early to beat the heat doesn't really work. My son and I ran a 5-mile race yesterday at 7am with a temp of 79 and dew point at 76.


        The cold front moving through right now is going to be a blessing this week and I cannot wait to run in 61F weather Wednesday and Thursday mornings. I am looking to take advantage of it for a big week this week (for me) and will certainly ramp up my mileage and distance of my long runs starting mid-September.

        Memphis / 38 male

        5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


        Mmmm Bop


          You're either more brave or more foolish than I.



          I’d say he’s just normal and doesn’t overreact. 🤷‍♂️

          5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


             I’d say he’s just normal and doesn’t overreact. 🤷‍♂️


            I agree the most of the guys overreact - except that Greyhound bus where a passenger was beheaded by the next seat passenger, I don't see any concerns travelling by the bus 


            Safe travels with Greyhound


             Consecutive 100 mile week #3 in the books.


            Impressive - but you have a long way to repeat my 16 consecutive 100+ miles weeks in 2020 - yes, I was once young too Smile


            Plus, I just ran 45+ miles week which is the first over 40 miles since last November Smile So, Mikkey should be concerned now Smile

            paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


            Mmmm Bop


              I agree the most of the guys overreact - except that Greyhound bus where a passenger was beheaded by the next seat passenger, I don't see any concerns travelling by the bus 


              Safe travels with Greyhound



              Impressive - but you have a long way to repeat my 16 consecutive 100+ miles weeks in 2020 - yes, I was once young too Smile


              Plus, I just ran 45+ miles week which is the first over 40 miles since last November Smile So, Mikkey should be concerned now Smile


              I think the Greyhound is going to be the most exciting part of my trip!  I will tip the driver well if he drives like a maniac and gets me to Sacramento in an hour. 

              5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


              Cobra Commander Keen

                Keen - where in OK are you located and how are you adjusting to be able to get in 100-mile weeks in the heat? I know you are training for a couple big races in October and put in a lot more mileage than me in general but I have had no interest in doing more than 12-mile long runs this summer. Our average low temp during July and August has been 74 so even getting up really early to beat the heat doesn't really work. My son and I ran a 5-mile race yesterday at 7am with a temp of 79 and dew point at 76.


                The cold front moving through right now is going to be a blessing this week and I cannot wait to run in 61F weather Wednesday and Thursday mornings. I am looking to take advantage of it for a big week this week (for me) and will certainly ramp up my mileage and distance of my long runs starting mid-September.


                I'm just a few miles west of the OKC city limits. I mostly adjust by running slowly - frequently in the 2-3 minutes/mile slower than marathon pace range. I also freeze about half to two-thirds of the water in my bottle for each morning, which helps keep me a bit cooler since it takes quite a while for all that ice to melt, giving me cold water for most of my runs.


                I am absolutely looking forwards to the "cold front". Low 60s in the morning the next two days should be really good, especially for a big workout Wednesday.





                Impressive - but you have a long way to repeat my 16 consecutive 100+ miles weeks in 2020 - yes, I was once young too Smile


                That was very impressive, and as much as it would be nice to log that many big weeks in a row, but there's no chance given the proximity to my goal race.

                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                Upcoming Races:


                July 4  - Firecracker 5k



                   That was very impressive, and as much as it would be nice to log that many big weeks in a row, but there's no chance given the proximity to my goal race.


                  No worries - it was time spent for nothing, I didn't accomplish absolutely anything that and next year. So, the only thing I can do about that year is to brag uselessly Smile Hopefully you have better outcome out of your streak!

                  paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                  Overweight per CDC BMI

                    I am absolutely looking forwards to the "cold front". Low 60s in the morning the next two days should be really good, especially for a big workout Wednesday.


                    I was debating about trying to get in a run this evening when I finish work for the day. My weather station shows the heat index is 111 right now so screw it, I am just going to get up earlier tomorrow to soak up this "not ridiculously hot" front with some extra miles. I will probably do 8-10 in the morning and then 3 or so at the kids XC practice in the evening.

                    Memphis / 38 male

                    5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10



                      No worries - it was time spent for nothing, I didn't accomplish absolutely anything that and next year. So, the only thing I can do about that year is to brag uselessly Smile Hopefully you have better outcome out of your streak!


                      Yeah 2020-21, with no races, I just ran. A lot. I missed the racing, but it was kind of freeing too. You could do stupid shit just for the hell of it, and not worry about messing up your cycle. I could never do anything like Cal did, but I did run a 100 mile week twice (not consecutively), when my previous high was 80. And things like 3 straight 300-mile months, 20 straight 60-mile weeks, a 250-day streak (broken up only by bad smoke), some other things like that. Incidentally never got injured over that time, and put up >3200 both years. But I’d rather be able to brag about race times. I did set two PRs via time trials at the track, but not the same.



                        Keen - No goal. I'm not tapering for this one and it will also depend on race day weather, plus I don't know how that 9 hour bus ride tomorrow night will affect my lower back.


                        Cal - I disagree that it was for nothing. You most certainly gained a huge amount of endurance from those 100 miler weeks and those gains have been added to your baseline fitness.



                          Cal - I disagree that it was for nothing. You most certainly gained a huge amount of endurance from those 100 miler weeks and those gains have been added to your baseline fitness.


                          Plus the ability to brag uselessly is an important component to running, especially among competitive jerks.



                          Mmmm Bop


                            Plus the ability to brag uselessly is an important component to running, especially among competitive jerks.


                            Bragging about qualifying for Boston is lightweight. Bragging about winning a Moose Mug is the ultimate for hobby joggers!

                            If me and Cal had started running in our early teens we’d have most likely competed against each other at the Olympics.

                            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)



                              Bragging about qualifying for Boston is lightweight. Bragging about winning a Moose Mug is the ultimate for hobby joggers!

                              If me and Cal had started running in our early teens we’d have most likely competed against each other at the Olympics.


                              And won the Nobel Peace Prize!


                              Mr MattM

                                Ooh!  Ooh!


                                I want to brag about a bunch of stupid running things I did in the past!!!

                                be curious; not judgmental