Beginners and Beyond


Everybody Sleeping in SunDailies? (Read 49 times)


    BTW I got FOMO'd into registering for another half marathon on Oct 28.  If you can beat the steam train (a 2:15 HM) you get a finisher's train whistle in addition to the medal.  I am not even going to tell my coach so I can train right through it.  He'll back me off and taper me to race it if I tell him about it.


    You run more HMs than anyone I know.


    No more marathons

      5.6 miles easy today - good start for a new month,

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!



        Onemile, maybe you should try his coach Smile


        Addie actually gave me a nice taper for my last half but I didn't follow it because why bother when it's going to be hot and humid



          That's a helluva nice pace. That took 25 minutes less time than my 22-miler last Sunday, lol. That one was particularly slow for me, but still.


          Thanks - it's only because I haven't done any speedwork since Wednesday



            This week was going so good too.... I was hoping to get in 14 miles this morning but Dorian's sleep issues happened again, as they did yesterday. I got in 4.2 miles yesterday with him in the stroller and then he and I hiked 3.2 miles later that afternoon.

            The day ain't over yet, hoping I can at least get in 8-10 miles this evening.... we will see.

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

            delicate flower


              You run more HMs than anyone I know.


              I have done 27 half marathons and 32 5K's.




                I have done 27 half marathons and 32 5K's.


                We've done the same number of marathons, but I've only done 11 HMs.




                  That is truly awesome. You kicked some serious ass. Only sorry you won't have a great crash & burn death march debut story. Although we've got enough of those here to go around. And yeah, you got it - it is impossible to describe the feeling of the late miles of a marathon; you've got to experience it for yourself. Or if you're smart, not.


                  For me: 16 w/8 MP. Got the job done, a bit faster than actual goal pace, but it was a battle.

                  65 for the week. Taper time!


                  Heh, the wheels did start coming off around mile 22 lol (I finally uploaded it) but considering how I felt it wasn't as bad as I imagined.


                  It was a nice race (around 2,000 runners, and only a marathon, no HM attached.). The start was super organized, and you could use the bathrooms inside the high school. They had a 3:40 and a 3:30 pacer but no 3:35 pacer. I started with the 3:40 pace group just so I wouldn't go out too fast (which I'm glad I did because as you can see they were ahead of a 3:40 pace anyway). I didn't start off feeling that great, and I left the pace group around mile 4 ish (so congested, on a side note I'm glad I didn't do Chicago for my first, I want to do Chicago eventually, but I think the size would have freaked me out.) and kept trying to push into the lower 8:00s but I felt like I was having to push it and I remember onemile saying that if the pace isn't coming to you naturally it might be too fast lol so I just went with it. Plus I had a lingering side stitch from like miles 2-5. And I kept thinking "omg it's only mile 5 I'm never going to make it 20 more miles" I started feeling pretty decent around miles 7-8 (it goes through the Concordia U campus and they had one of their bands playing which was kind of cool) and told myself to just hold it until the half and then to try to speed it up if I still felt good. I took a Gu at miles 4 and 10.


                  I felt good at the half (and coincidently my half split was my HM PR up until 2015 I think, 1:48:12) and just kept telling myself if I could make it to 20 I could make it 6 more miles. I felt okay through 20..had taken a GU at mile 15 and planned on taking one at 20 but didn't think I could stomach it. I took water though somewhere around there. Told myself if I could just make it 2 more miles, then it was only 4 more miles I could easily do 4 more miles (oh the mind games we play). Then somewhere before 21 the wheels started coming off. I wasn't breathing that hard, but my legs just did not want to move anymore ( I guess this must be the wall lol). I felt like I was still putting in the same effort when I ran an 8:40 mile than when I ran a 8:00 mile. Luckily at this point it's a lot of downhill as you start coming down by Lake Michigan in Milwaukee so that helped, although when your quads and hip flexors are screaming a downhill isn't really that fun lol. There was kind of a nasty headwind too on and off from mile 20 that got worse towards the end. Goes with the point to point course I guess. I still passed quite a few people in the second half, and even when I slowed I still managed to pass people as I saw a lot walking. I really really wanted to walk but was pretty sure I would never start running again if I did. I had a pretty big kick the last .2 (according to strava 7:33 pace. oops.) but I think that was really just because I was so damn happy to be done. And then once I stopped and started walking around my legs almost felt worse than when I was running  My lungs weren't spent at the end like a 5K or even a HM, but damn, those last few miles trying to make it when your lungs/heart want to go and your legs are about to fall off is tough.


                  I liked that at the end of the chute was a huge area only for runners, and spectators had to wait outside the fence in another section. I'm not sure if it's like that for other marathons, but for the HM/FM combos I've ran it's been kind of just a free for all at the end. I like that there was a section for the runners to collect themselves and not get bombarded by family. I would run this race again, it's really well organized and put on by the local running club which I like. And the food bag came with an orange, which is my favorite post race food  There was also free beer, and you didn't have to rip off one of those stupid "free beer tag" from your bib.


                  It was good, I'm happy. 3:35 would have been nice, but I would have needed a bigger buffer for a BQ anyway. Plus my mileage is low and I figure (hope) with more mileage under my belt I can get a BQ 


                  D - I give so much credit to you for how many marathons you do and so close together sometimes. I feel like I might not walk for weeks lol


                    Hi All!

                    Docket, sorry your cold is worse. Hope you feel better soon.

                    Cyber, great photos


                    Nice easy run this morning in beautiful fall weather (mid 50's) 


                    zzyzx, interesting to hear that your Apple watch is more generous than your phone. I just got one, and ran this morning with it on one wrist and my Garmin on the other. The Apple watch had me doing 6.09 miles @ 10:22 average pace, Garmin had me doing 6.02 miles @ 10:31 average pace. I'm guessing the Garmin is more accurate, but who knows. I like having a phone along in case I twist an ankle or something when I'm miles away, so I love having the watch with a cellular connection, although I do like looking at all the Garmin data later. I know I'll be using the Garmin for track workouts and races. Maybe for easy runs I'll just keep wearing both, still better than carrying a phone.


                    I use RunKeeper on both. With my phone I get information about the music playing and what I ran faster to and elevation and all sorts of stuff... On the watch I just get my mile splits.  I'm hoping Runkeeper improves their watch app.


                    And yes this is the one with the cellular connection. I wouldn't run without some way of being contacted. For the most part I love it.



                      I felt good at the half (and coincidently my half split was my HM PR up until 2015 I think, 1:48:12) and just kept telling myself if I could make it to 20 I could make it 6 more miles. I felt okay through 20..had taken a GU at mile 15 and planned on taking one at 20 but didn't think I could stomach it. I took water though somewhere around there. Told myself if I could just make it 2 more miles, then it was only 4 more miles I could easily do 4 more miles (oh the mind games we play). Then somewhere before 21 the wheels started coming off. I wasn't breathing that hard, but my legs just did not want to move anymore ( I guess this must be the wall lol). I felt like I was still putting in the same effort when I ran an 8:40 mile than when I ran a 8:00 mile. Luckily at this point it's a lot of downhill as you start coming down by Lake Michigan in Milwaukee so that helped, although when your quads and hip flexors are screaming a downhill isn't really that fun lol. There was kind of a nasty headwind too on and off from mile 20 that got worse towards the end. Goes with the point to point course I guess. I still passed quite a few people in the second half, and even when I slowed I still managed to pass people as I saw a lot walking. I really really wanted to walk but was pretty sure I would never start running again if I did. I had a pretty big kick the last .2 (according to strava 7:33 pace. oops.) but I think that was really just because I was so damn happy to be done. And then once I stopped and started walking around my legs almost felt worse than when I was running  My lungs weren't spent at the end like a 5K or even a HM, but damn, those last few miles trying to make it when your lungs/heart want to go and your legs are about to fall off is tough.



                      This whole thing sounds like you marathoned. Great job to push through the misery. A very gentle fade at the end, but not much by marathon standards. Big things in your future for sure.





                         Hi. How u doing? 


                        Much better now thank you. Dinner's on me, whoop-whoop.


                          3:37:06. I'll post more when I get home. Only had like a 45 second positive split so not too bad I think. Holy crap my hip flexors hate me. That marathon shit is no joke 😳


                          That's an impressive marathon debut by any measure. Drink till you stink!



                            Heh, the wheels did start coming off around mile 22 lol (I finally uploaded it) but considering how I felt it wasn't as bad as I imagined.


                            It was a nice race (around 2,000 runners, and only a marathon, no HM attached.). The start was super organized, and you could use the bathrooms inside the high school. They had a 3:40 and a 3:30 pacer but no 3:35 pacer. I started with the 3:40 pace group just so I wouldn't go out too fast (which I'm glad I did because as you can see they were ahead of a 3:40 pace anyway). I didn't start off feeling that great, and I left the pace group around mile 4 ish (so congested, on a side note I'm glad I didn't do Chicago for my first, I want to do Chicago eventually, but I think the size would have freaked me out.) and kept trying to push into the lower 8:00s but I felt like I was having to push it and I remember onemile saying that if the pace isn't coming to you naturally it might be too fast lol so I just went with it. Plus I had a lingering side stitch from like miles 2-5. And I kept thinking "omg it's only mile 5 I'm never going to make it 20 more miles" I started feeling pretty decent around miles 7-8 (it goes through the Concordia U campus and they had one of their bands playing which was kind of cool) and told myself to just hold it until the half and then to try to speed it up if I still felt good. I took a Gu at miles 4 and 10.


                            I felt good at the half (and coincidently my half split was my HM PR up until 2015 I think, 1:48:12) and just kept telling myself if I could make it to 20 I could make it 6 more miles. I felt okay through 20..had taken a GU at mile 15 and planned on taking one at 20 but didn't think I could stomach it. I took water though somewhere around there. Told myself if I could just make it 2 more miles, then it was only 4 more miles I could easily do 4 more miles (oh the mind games we play). Then somewhere before 21 the wheels started coming off. I wasn't breathing that hard, but my legs just did not want to move anymore ( I guess this must be the wall lol). I felt like I was still putting in the same effort when I ran an 8:40 mile than when I ran a 8:00 mile. Luckily at this point it's a lot of downhill as you start coming down by Lake Michigan in Milwaukee so that helped, although when your quads and hip flexors are screaming a downhill isn't really that fun lol. There was kind of a nasty headwind too on and off from mile 20 that got worse towards the end. Goes with the point to point course I guess. I still passed quite a few people in the second half, and even when I slowed I still managed to pass people as I saw a lot walking. I really really wanted to walk but was pretty sure I would never start running again if I did. I had a pretty big kick the last .2 (according to strava 7:33 pace. oops.) but I think that was really just because I was so damn happy to be done. And then once I stopped and started walking around my legs almost felt worse than when I was running  My lungs weren't spent at the end like a 5K or even a HM, but damn, those last few miles trying to make it when your lungs/heart want to go and your legs are about to fall off is tough.


                            I liked that at the end of the chute was a huge area only for runners, and spectators had to wait outside the fence in another section. I'm not sure if it's like that for other marathons, but for the HM/FM combos I've ran it's been kind of just a free for all at the end. I like that there was a section for the runners to collect themselves and not get bombarded by family. I would run this race again, it's really well organized and put on by the local running club which I like. And the food bag came with an orange, which is my favorite post race food  There was also free beer, and you didn't have to rip off one of those stupid "free beer tag" from your bib.


                            It was good, I'm happy. 3:35 would have been nice, but I would have needed a bigger buffer for a BQ anyway. Plus my mileage is low and I figure (hope) with more mileage under my belt I can get a BQ 


                            D - I give so much credit to you for how many marathons you do and so close together sometimes. I feel like I might not walk for weeks lol

                            Aww, this deserves it's own thread.

                            And I totally take credit for it.  45 sec positive split is as good as it gets.  You'll get that BQ in the spring with just another training cycle under your belt.


                            Run Long, Hard, and Fast

                              8.4 miles @ 8:17 pace done. Only my third run on the roads since coming back 4 months ago. Everything else has been trail runs. Beautiful night to run. Low 60s and cool.


                                Aww, this deserves it's own thread.

                                And I totally take credit for it.  45 sec positive split is as good as it gets.  You'll get that BQ in the spring with just another training cycle under your belt.


                                It does deserve its own thread.
