Beginners and Beyond

Now then; WednesDAILIES! (Read 46 times)




    I am heading out for some easy miles. The amount of which will be determined on the fly.




      A very welcome SRD.


        A very welcome SRD.


        Why didn't I choose this ^ plan instead? Goddammit... I have 15 stupid slow miles tonight.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 10 with 4 @ HMP on the TM tonight.


          delicate flower

            'Morning.  I've got a tempo run to do after work today.


            I hate that summer paces are slower.  I know the heat slows everyone down, but I want those winter and spring paces back.  Most of my runs were in the mid to high 7:00 pace when I was training over the winter, and now I'm consistently 15-20 sec/mile slower.  I hate that.  I know I shouldn't worry about it since my tempo runs are faster and I'm setting PR's, but still...nobody likes to see their paces dip.





              Former Bad Ass

                'Morning.  I've got a tempo run to do after work today.


                I hate that summer paces are slower.  I know the heat slows everyone down, but I want those winter and spring paces back.  Most of my runs were in the mid to high 7:00 pace when I was training over the winter, and now I'm consistently 15-20 sec/mile slower.  I hate that.  I know I shouldn't worry about it since my tempo runs are faster and I'm setting PR's, but still...nobody likes to see their paces dip.


                Stop bitching and remember what happened last Summer.


                I barely run outside at all anymore, and when I do, I am not slowing down.  Sigh.  My coach is going to kill me this week.




                  Why didn't I choose this ^ plan instead? Goddammit... I have 15 stupid slow miles tonight.


                  Yesterday I re-read some parts of the Hansons book. It says that, in their philosophy, if you want to increase mileage, you can make your easy days longer, add some easy wu/cd mileage to workout days, and/or run on Wednesdays. For this cycle, at least, Wednesday RD is a keeper. I could (not that I necessarily want to) easily reach 70 miles with 6 days of running and only a 16 mile long run, without burning myself out. Just make Tuesday and Thursday workouts 12 miles, and the three other easy days at 10.



                  I don't know if it is the best approach, performance wise, but it makes sense.


                    Good morning everyone!


                    7.7 done this morning, gonna double this evening.  Love my doubles!  


                    Hope everyone has a great day!


                    My running blog

                    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                      Just over 5 this morning with a couple of hill repeats.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                        Yesterday I re-read some parts of the Hansons book. It says that, in their philosophy, if you want to increase mileage, you can make your easy days longer, add some easy wu/cd mileage to workout days, and/or run on Wednesdays. For this cycle, at least, Wednesday RD is a keeper. I could (not that I necessarily want to) easily reach 70 miles with 6 days of running and only a 16 mile long run, without burning myself out. Just make Tuesday and Thursday workouts 12 miles, and the three other easy days at 10.



                        I don't know if it is the best approach, performance wise, but it makes sense.


                        Yes, it makes a lot of sense.


                        The plan I'm doing now (Pfitz 70-85) I did once, 2 years ago. But it was winter, and in my garage it was a constant beautiful 10-13*C. I was able to maintain both mileage and speed. Now, the heat is killing all my energy and I struggle with both time on my feet and pace. I can't wait for September to arrive (never thought I'd one day say this. I love summer...)

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                          Yesterday I re-read some parts of the Hansons book. It says that, in their philosophy, if you want to increase mileage, you can make your easy days longer, add some easy wu/cd mileage to workout days, and/or run on Wednesdays. For this cycle, at least, Wednesday RD is a keeper. I could (not that I necessarily want to) easily reach 70 miles with 6 days of running and only a 16 mile long run, without burning myself out. Just make Tuesday and Thursday workouts 12 miles, and the three other easy days at 10.



                          I don't know if it is the best approach, performance wise, but it makes sense.


                          I prefer the increased volume and frequency, if you can handle it of course.  I think that slowing down your easy runs is worth it to get the extra time on your feet which will do more for your endurance than the increased pace would.  I'm also a big fan of doubles, I think that it helps your body adapt to recovering more quickly when it starts to learn that it's not always going to have 24 hours or more between runs.  Of course this is all purely based off of my personal experience, maybe along with some articles I've read, experiment of one, ymmv, and all other applicable disclaimers. 


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



                            Yesterday I re-read some parts of the Hansons book. It says that, in their philosophy, if you want to increase mileage, you can make your easy days longer, add some easy wu/cd mileage to workout days, and/or run on Wednesdays. For this cycle, at least, Wednesday RD is a keeper. I could (not that I necessarily want to) easily reach 70 miles with 6 days of running and only a 16 mile long run, without burning myself out. Just make Tuesday and Thursday workouts 12 miles, and the three other easy days at 10.



                            I don't know if it is the best approach, performance wise, but it makes sense.


                            When I used it the second time, I added 2 miles to each easy run and always ran the full 3 miles wu + 3 miles cool down for the MP workouts.  Kept the Weds rest day.  I think my highest week was 74.



                              When I used it the second time, I added 2 miles to each easy run and always ran the full 3 miles wu + 3 miles cool down for the MP workouts.  Kept the Weds rest day.  I think my highest week was 74.


                              The last time I did a 3 mile cool down, I about died from boredom. lol


                              As simple as it sounds, it is really hard for me to jog that far after a quality workout. And on the other end, it is boring as hell to warmup longer than 3 miles to begin one.


                              Yes, I am an idiot.



                                The last time I did a 3 mile cool down, I about died from boredom. lol


                                As simple as it sounds, it is really hard for me to jog that far after a quality workout. And on the other end, it is boring as hell to warmup longer than 3 miles to begin one.


                                Yes, I am an idiot.


                                I'm not saying it was fun or that I enjoyed it.  I was pretty burned out after doing that plan and it was probably my worst marathon (relative to the training).