Beginners and Beyond

The last DAILIES (Read 36 times)


    I adopted a new dog last night.  A 3 yr old sable german shepherd from a local rescue.  So that was my excuse for not running.  And now that I have fucked my week up, I'm having a hard time convincing myself to run today. Especially since it's super windy, and been below zero wind chills. So this run would be on the treadmill.  Blah.  Dumb excuses.


    Oh and I have a slight cold... 

    delicate flower

      5.6 miles in 45 minutes, completed.  My last run of the year.  It was a good ride.



        I adopted a new dog last night.  A 3 yr old sable german shepherd from a local rescue.  


        My family had three german shepherds while I was a yute; Duke, Queeny and another Duke. I would like to have another someday, they are inherently intelligent.


        Oh, and happy fucked up running week. I am celebrating it as well. lol



          My family had three german shepherds while I was a yute; Duke, Queeny and another Duke. I would like to have another someday, they are inherently intelligent.


          Oh, and happy fucked up running week. I am celebrating it as well. lol


          German shepherds are the best.  I have a 9.5 year old female shepherd named Mayzie who I got at 8 weeks old. So this new guy, Bruno is my second.


          Former Bad Ass


            Speaking of breaking, I'm gonna go check out Unbroken before this evening's festivities. You seen it? Or D? Anyone else?


            I haven't but I want to!


            4 miles to and from Pilates.  Now off to party at our friend's house.



            Former Bad Ass


              I still have 2 unopened pairs of the 1s. Hopefully I won't get injured or lazy and will grab some 2s on discount near the end of 2015.


              The colors on the male 2s are awesome.  I'm buying that black and red.  Hoping to race a marathon in them in 2015.



              Former Bad Ass


                German shepherds are the best.  I have a 9.5 year old female shepherd named Mayzie who I got at 8 weeks old. So this new guy, Bruno is my second.

                And Bruno is cute!




                  Interesting, all my base layers are synthetic, but often though about getting a wool one, since wool is supposed to keep you warm even when wet. What don't you like about it? The new one you got - is that sort of a waffley weave? I have one like that, I do like it & think it keeps me a bit warmer than normal tech shirt material. Or I imagine it does anyway.


                  For gloves - I wear standard running gloves, but when cold enough I put my Sugoi Wind Mitts on top. Usually after a few miles I take them off, but at the start of a run the double layer is key.


                  When wool gets wet, it gets heavy. Not so heavy that it bugs me, but heavy because it seems to be full of water. Maybe I'll appreciate my merinos shirt more once I try the other one, but when it's really cold, and the wool is all wet, I'm not sure about the keeps you warm even when wet part. I'm thinking synthetic will do a better job. I'll see. If I prefer merinos, well I have one!
                  The does not stink part is true. It does not stink of sweat, but I think it smells a bit like a wet animal when wet.

                  To me it's not as comfy as synthetic or cotton. It does not itch like normal wool, but there's a little something, especially when I wear it a second or third day in a row without washing it. Maybe that's gross, but I only own one of those, and when I run every day like nowadays, I'm not going to do laundry every day. Since it doesn' stink, I put it on for two  and sometimes three days before washing. But thenit's not as comfortable.


                  I paid like over 100$ for the merinos base layer. I'm thinking it will be a great base layer for outdoor activities other than running. The brand is Icebraker. Don't know if they're good or not.


                  I have two pairs of smartwool socks, and I love those. That's what I run with all winter long.



                    I saw that at the store today and I had questions.  So the clothing makes its own heat...  What happens when you get warmed up, does it keep making more heat if you don't really need it?  And I don't sweat a lot in the winter so will it not work well?


                    That's exactly what I read in many reviews. People who have cold hands do not sweat, therefore the gloves are worth nothing. For other parts (shirts, socks) I don't know. I was reading gloves reviews.

                    Hip Redux

                      Icebreaker is a good brand.   I've never had my wool feel "wet" - in fact, I find it wicks just as good as the synthetics.  Maybe you just sweat weird lol




                        Let us know how them gloves work. They look a little too light for my ice block hands.


                        Sure. They're barely thicker than my cheap liner gloves (probably worth less than $2), but they have all these features like gore windstopper and the like. I might have made quite a bad move ($85, yikes), but all the running gloves they had at the store looked thin and light also, and they only had them in S, M, L and XL. The pair I liked, the XL were a bit too tight on my hands.  So I switched to the skiing rack and I found these. It was a christmas present I spent on a shirt and gloves instead of a pair of shoes.


                          I haven't but I want to!


                          4 miles to and from Pilates.  Now off to party at our friend's house.


                          Would that be Pitbull's party at the Thompson Hotel?


                            Icebreaker is a good brand.   I've never had my wool feel "wet" - in fact, I find it wicks just as good as the synthetics.  Maybe you just sweat weird lol


                            That's probably it, lol


                              Sure. They're barely thicker than my cheap liner gloves (probably worth less than $2), but they have all these features like gore windstopper and the like. I might have made quite a bad move ($85, yikes), but all the running gloves they had at the store looked thin and light also, and they only had them in S, M, L and XL. The pair I liked, the XL were a bit too tight on my hands.  So I switched to the skiing rack and I found these. It was a christmas present I spent on a shirt and gloves instead of a pair of shoes.


                              I spent $40 on a pair of wind blocker gloves online once and they turned out to be completely useless. Since then I have to have them in my hands before I will even consider buying them.

                              Hip Redux

                                I just reread my last post....  I speek english good.