Beginners and Beyond


TuesDailies are for intervals on the ridge. (Read 30 times)



    Good morning!


    I ran 90 min with 6x3min hard, w/ 2 min recoveries.  I had programmed 9 reps in my watch, but I didn't have 3 more in me.  My legs were still feeling Sunday's 100 miler . I was targeting 7:40, running by feel.  My splits were a little slow (8:07, 7:54, 8:07, 7:42, 7:42, 7:54), but it wasn't due to lack of effort.  The shorter recoveries made that shit way harder.  All in all, it was a good workout.


    Have a great day!


    ETA:  Today's run put me at 12000 miles total running.  That's almost 91 days at a 10:56mm average.  To misquote Rick James - " Running is a helluva drug".

    Runner with a riding problem.


      I ran 7. They were sloooooow.

      delicate flower

        'Morning.  I swam 2800 yards.  Not especially fast, but it was still a good swim.  Bike interval workout later.



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  Last night's 5 were an adventure.  Here I am on the TM (it was 101F still) running while my husband was breaking saltillo tiles in the downstairs bathroom.  All of a sudden I start coughing and start seeing a cloud of dust coming off from the bathroom. But I push on.  At around Mile 2.5, hubby comes by and says (all full of dust mind you): it's raining, you should go outside so your breathing does not get more fucked up.  So, I look and it's just 89F and 77 dewpoint and apparently I go dumb and say: great idea!  I head outside and by Mile 0.50, the fucking sun comes out, the rain is gone and it's back to the 100s.  I head back home, wobbling and all slow, get home and finished the last mile on the TM.  Well, I had a bit of a wait because the motherfucking husband locked me out by accident and I had to wait while his highness showered.


          The end.  I have Pilates and either my RD or 7 miles.




            ... the motherfucking husband...


            I think I would enjoy a round of drinks with the Dockets.

            Runner with a riding problem.


            Go figure


              I think I would enjoy a round of drinks with the Dockets.


              At the very least, a fly on the wall.


              6 miles for me last night...can't do much more or much faster, but at least it's something. One more day until the doctor!

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                Entertaining story, D 


                Great job on the workout and lifetime miles, PR.


                I'm dressed in my singlet waiting for fhe stupid Purolator truck, or for the woman to come back home.

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Entertaining story, D 


                  Great job on the workout and lifetime miles, PR.


                  I'm dressed in my singlet waiting for fhe stupid Purolator truck, or for the woman to come back home.


                  Just a singlet? 


                  Former Bad Ass




                    I lost my rama


                      Just a singlet? 


                      He's half European. 

                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                        While walking the dog before bed last night, we heard strange noises coming from the tall grass beside the road. JIm dragged the dog away and we kept walking. On the return walk, the strange noises continued, greatly interesting Ben. I turned the flashlight on to see what it was, and spotted a plastic bag that seemed to be writhing in the grass. A second look showed a gray cat with its head stuck in a small plastic bag. It was trying desperately to get it off. It took two tries, but I was able to remove the pretzel bag from the poor cat. It immediately attacked me with teeth and claws, so I decided it was probably okay and we dragged Ben out of there. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.


                          PR, those are some impressive lifetime miles! Congrats!


                          I ran just over 6 miles to work.  The plan called for 15x 1:00 Fartleks at "slightly faster than 5k" with 1:00 recoveries. I did not look at my watch during the intervals, just ran at a hard effort. All were a lot faster than 5k and the last one was under 8!  I was very happy with this run, fartleks are fun.  It was 70 something at the start with 98% humidity (yuck), though I did get the occasional cool breeze off the lake.


                          I noticed the split times on my Garmin data are faster than what shows up here on the RA log.  The RA log looks like it's rounding the paces a little.  I'm going by what Garmin shows since it's the original data stream, but that's pretty frustrating when I'm looking back at the last time I did this workout a few weeks ago and comparing the paces.


                            While walking the dog before bed last night, we heard strange noises coming from the tall grass beside the road. JIm dragged the dog away and we kept walking. On the return walk, the strange noises continued, greatly interesting Ben. I turned the flashlight on to see what it was, and spotted a plastic bag that seemed to be writhing in the grass. A second look showed a gray cat with its head stuck in a small plastic bag. It was trying desperately to get it off. It took two tries, but I was able to remove the pretzel bag from the poor cat. It immediately attacked me with teeth and claws, so I decided it was probably okay and we dragged Ben out of there. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.


                            There was a video of a cat that attacked I believe a policeman while he was showing it for adoption way back in the day. He bit the shit outta that dude. I can't think of the cats name but I'm fairly certain no one adopted him after that!

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Ginny, yikes on the cat. You may want to give your doctor a call.



                                Just a singlet? 



                                So the woman showed up, and I went running. I put on a pair of shorts   and socks and off I went.


                                9 miles with 5 x (1500m / 2min). Pace was probably somewhere between 10K and 5K pace. I'm saying probably, because I haven't raced in so long, I don't know anymore.


                                Purolator still haven't showed 
