Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #18 (Read 33 times)



    Depends on how much & how fast it warms up, but you’ll probably be Ok w/arm warmers & gloves. Borderline long sleeves.

    I didn't pack arm warmers so hopefully I can find some at the expo


      I am starting to think I might need to buy some arm warmers though. has starting temp at 41 with some wind.  My race outfit is a singlet and shorts and I did bring throwaway gloves...


      Wow, that is prefect! [sic] You will definitely find arm sleeves, it's just a matter of the material and the length up the arm. If they are super long, be sure to grease them up near the armpit. That's where they can sometimes chafe when they're new. A throwaway top for 10 bucks or may also be in order given that wind will make it feel like it's in the low 30s until you warm up. But you know all of that.



        Will I freeze my ass off in a tank and shorts?

        Maybe? I'd definitely get arm warmers. Worst case, you just toss them.


        Good luck!


          Do you think I need arm warmers?




            where do I get one of those face warmers?


            MTA: I actually have one currently, and it’s about that white, but not due to ice.



            Former Bad Ass

              I wouldn't use arm warmers. Just bring a shirt you can throwaway and let it go when you want to.


              Morning! Woke up all congested from the paint and dust (they are halfway done, though). Didn't realize ServPro had to paint too but makes sense since they put a new wall in.


              I have 5. Might be TM because the gusts today might be in the 40s.  Ooh, tomorrow the high is 17F and the feels like during my run will have a negative! I've never run in negative feels like or otherwise.


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Onemile,  are you near a Target, Walmart or dollar store? Long socks can work in a pinch for arm warmers.


                  Onemile, how warm is it supposed to get during the race? Personnally, at 41*, I would not race in a singlet. It would be long sleeves, for sure.


                  As for arm warmers, I don't toss mine. I have one pair that I once bought to complete the minimal amount for free shipping on an order, and I have worn them with a t-shirt in two races, I think. When I've had it, I bunch them at the wrists. Not very pretty, but looking good is not really my concern when I'm racing. YMMV.



                    where do I get one of those face warmers?


                    MTA: I actually have one currently, and it’s about that white, but not due to ice.


                    They're actually very effective as face warmers. The woman doesn't like it, but it is what it is.


                      Onemile, how warm is it supposed to get during the race? Personnally, at 41*, I would not race in a singlet. It would be long sleeves, for sure.


                      As for arm warmers, I don't toss mine. I have one pair that I once bought to complete the minimal amount for free shipping on an order, and I have worn them with a t-shirt in two races, I think. When I've had it, I bunch them at the wrists. Not very pretty, but looking good is not really my concern when I'm racing. YMMV.



                      The forecasts range from 41 to 45 at the start and 46 to 49 at the finish.


                      I need to wear a singlet because that is my race kit. And I think a singlet plus a long sleeve is too much for the 40s

                      delicate flower

                        I did 7 easy at the track.  It was cold and my feet froze, even with the thick wooly socks.  This run was 50 degrees colder than my run last Saturday.  Snow is going to start in a couple of hours and should bury the track and rail trail for the rest of the winter.  Sad!



                        Former Bad Ass

                          The forecasts range from 41 to 45 at the start and 46 to 49 at the finish.


                          I need to wear a singlet because that is my race kit. And I think a singlet plus a long sleeve is too much for the 40s


                          Or a LS unless it's windy. I get too hot.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            I might have to wear my balaclava tonight. 32F with 34mph gusts sound chilly. I'm already congested from this dust and paint here. Fortunately, it's only 5 miles.




                              If I needed to wear a singlet I would consider arm warmers.


                              Too snowy for my liking today so I opted out of my local 8k and attempted to cross country ski and then ran the 5 miles somewhat quickly on the tm. If the roads are better later I might go see the movie 1917


                              *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                               **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                                The forecasts range from 41 to 45 at the start and 46 to 49 at the finish.


                                I need to wear a singlet because that is my race kit. And I think a singlet plus a long sleeve is too much for the 40s


                                What about a singlet over a t-shirt + the arm sleeves?
