Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Hmmm, not sure what is going on with you, Hilltopper.  Hoping you can figure it out.


    I suck at marathons!  Finished Seattle at 5:33:56, Ottawa was in 5:31, BUT Seattle is hillier.  I just feel like my endurance is still half of what it was last year.  I can't even fathom running a full year in the 4:30s like I did (training on the TM, even) in 2015.  But I will continue trying.



      Hmmm, not sure what is going on with you, Hilltopper.  Hoping you can figure it out.


      I suck at marathons!  Finished Seattle at 5:33:56, Ottawa was in 5:31, BUT Seattle is hillier.  I just feel like my endurance is still half of what it was last year.  I can't even fathom running a full year in the 4:30s like I did (training on the TM, even) in 2015.  But I will continue trying.


      Hey Docket, is the injury still bugging you some?  Once upon a time, I tore my Achilles tendon.  About 9 months after the injury I was cleared by PT to basically go all out again and I still just wasn't the same.  I was getting burned on the basketball floor like I was never getting burned before.  I think that what was happening was I was just mentally not 100% confident in making strong cuts.  It took me a long time to really get back to my normal self even though I was physically capable.  Something similar happened to Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights.  


      One thing that is not insignificant is how much harder it is to be on your feet for 5:30 vs 4:30.  Also staying fueled for longer than you are used to must be an additional challenge.  Maybe in this recovery cycle, it would be a good time to look back at what worked before, do lots of very very easy active recovery, smile while you're out there (I love this trick) and find the joy in your workouts.  For example, just this morning, I kept all of my gadgets on but completely ignored everything and just ran easy for a little over an hour.  I looked at all the data afterwards.  I ended up averaging 118 bpm and feel like a million bucks.  Maybe do a few of those?


      Former Bad Ass

        Not at all.  The surgery fixed the tear 100%.  Nothing really hurts during my marathon, and the knee is completely like nothing happened.  I agree.  I wonder if it's mental. I've been putting the TM slower and slower instead of faster and faster. I am pushing incline and pace at Orange Theory, at least.  And working on not fearing doing weird stuff that could break me.  But the speed, I feel, is not there.  I was just hoping the endurance was.  Sigh.



          Not at all.  The surgery fixed the tear 100%.  Nothing really hurts during my marathon, and the knee is completely like nothing happened.  I agree.  I wonder if it's mental. I've been putting the TM slower and slower instead of faster and faster. I am pushing incline and pace at Orange Theory, at least.  And working on not fearing doing weird stuff that could break me.  But the speed, I feel, is not there.  I was just hoping the endurance was.  Sigh.


          Just sounds like you lost that "magic spring" in your step.  There is likely a positive stimulus that will help you rediscover it.  Could be anything.  Could be something as simple as adding some short anaerobic intervals (after marathon recovery of course) to something very difficult such as removing some bad stress or food from your life.  Maybe try a personal coach?  I've never tried that with running but it sure helps my golf swing when it starts to inexplicably go bad.  The fact that you are here tells me that you are invested enough in your love of this sport for that.


          Former Bad Ass

            I have a coach. And I've been doing a lot of sprints and inclines at Orange Theory since the surgery, so I feel this is temporary (like my Coach says), but my mind is obviously negative.


            And I should stop bitching.  2015 was my fastest year, yes, in the 4:30s, but 2016 was in the 5:15-5:30s marathon ranges (mostly due to medication and weight gain).  Blood pressure meds did wreck my endurance in 2016, but I was hoping the 6 months off the meds would show a change, and the change has not occurred.  I guess I'm just frustrated and venting.  Thanks for the suggestions and for hearing me whine.


            I ran 5 on the TM last night.  Easy and they felt good.  Miraculously, I want to run after this marathon.  Most of the time I don't wanna for a week or so.



              I have a coach. And I've been doing a lot of sprints and inclines at Orange Theory since the surgery, so I feel this is temporary (like my Coach says), but my mind is obviously negative.


              And I should stop bitching.  2015 was my fastest year, yes, in the 4:30s, but 2016 was in the 5:15-5:30s marathon ranges (mostly due to medication and weight gain).  Blood pressure meds did wreck my endurance in 2016, but I was hoping the 6 months off the meds would show a change, and the change has not occurred.  I guess I'm just frustrated and venting.  Thanks for the suggestions and for hearing me whine.


              I ran 5 on the TM last night.  Easy and they felt good.  Miraculously, I want to run after this marathon.  Most of the time I don't wanna for a week or so.


              I wouldn't say that you're bitching at all.  It's good to communicate what is bothering you for many reasons.  First of all, someone reading this may have experienced and beaten the same thing who is willing to share their solution.  Secondly, there may be someone out there reading this with the same issues that isn't putting it out there.  You never know who you may be inadvertently helping on forums such as this.


              Also, remember that since you are a runner that you are realizing a lot of health benefits that the average person does not.  So even when things don't seem to be totally clicking, you are still lapping the average couch potato!


              You're recovering very fast.  After my marathon I didn't run until 5 days after and it did not feel easy or good despite my very casual effort.  So that's a great sign!  There are more 4:30's in your future  


              Consistently Slow

                D R- What was the last race you run when you were not recovering or have asthma issues? The last 2 years have been a roller coaster ride  for you. You will get back to the 4:30 mark. Especially with the monthly mileage  you are running.----3.9 mile walk


                I have a coach. And I've been doing a lot of sprints and inclines at Orange Theory since the surgery, so I feel this is temporary (like my Coach says), but my mind is obviously negative.


                And I should stop bitching.  2015 was my fastest year, yes, in the 4:30s, but 2016 was in the 5:15-5:30s marathon ranges (mostly due to medication and weight gain).  Blood pressure meds did wreck my endurance in 2016, but I was hoping the 6 months off the meds would show a change, and the change has not occurred.  I guess I'm just frustrated and venting.  Thanks for the suggestions and for hearing me whine.


                I ran 5 on the TM last night.  Easy and they felt good.  Miraculously, I want to run after this marathon.  Most of the time I don't wanna for a week or so.

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                Former Bad Ass

                  Thanks, guys.  Much appreciated.


                  Had a migraine Friday so I took a rest day.  Ran 2.18 at Orange Theory yesterday in the morning and then 6 last night.




                    Left knee broke down and low back flared up again after 5th straight day on the TM.  Took off Friday through Sunday.  Feeling frustrated beyond belief.  I read a lot about how some people have issues running on the TM.  I also haven't been feeling good about overall strength in upper body.  I need to build a lot more strength throughout my body to be able to handle running I think.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Ugh, hoping your leg is feeling better, Hilltopper!



                        Left knee broke down and low back flared up again after 5th straight day on the TM.  Took off Friday through Sunday.  Feeling frustrated beyond belief.  I read a lot about how some people have issues running on the TM.  I also haven't been feeling good about overall strength in upper body.  I need to build a lot more strength throughout my body to be able to handle running I think.


                        The last few times that I've had nagging pain from running were during treadmill running.  Could be coincidence.  I feel as if my gait cycle changes somewhat when I'm on one though.  May be due to lack of comfort.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          5 miles on the TM done to start my new cycle before my next marathon.  Oops.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Hi!  Hope everybody is doing well.  I have been busy at work.  Ran 5 after Pilates Tuesday, 8 with 8 X 100m on Wednesday, and today I went to Orange Theory, Pilates and ran 5 (plus the miles at Orange Theory). I'm tired, ha.  Rest day tomorrow!



                              Quick post of return. I'm in marathon training mode and have resumed some of my MAF ways. I'm using MAF for my recovery runs. This cycle I'm running a hard long workout and short or medium race per week. The MAF runs will be the key to keep me on the roads. Today was a 5 @10:05 (yesterday 3.1 @ 10:05(). Am curious to see if my MAF pace improves during this cycle.


                              Good to see things are active in here. Hope to post a bit more.

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Nice job, C-R!


                                I took Monday off from work and my coach gave me a tough 8 miles with 3 X 1 mile at 10K.  All on the TM because triple digits does not begin to describe how hot it is down here.  Anyway, Ran 8, 5, 10, 5 and 3.18 at Orange Theory, 0, and 2.75 at Orange Theory and 6 with strides.  All around MAF since I don't get the stupid heat on the TM.


                                It was nice to do proper speedwork again.  Felt good to be fast and my knee was like nothing.
