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11.8 mi


7:15 mi


Distance is a guess since it was mostly trails. Ran earlyish (10 oclock) but it was still really hot, so I started out pretty slow. It wasn't too bad once I got to sunken and was in the shade. I went to the boardwalk to stick my head in the shower to cool off and there was a cool breeze so I did about 15 minutes on the boarkwalk before it go too boring. Ran on the greenbelt back toward smithtown and took meadow home.

Tape fell off Saturday night after being in the pool for a couple of hours and didn't want to put it back on and have it fall of in the middle of the night because I move a lot in my sleep. Put it on when I got up but didn't wait long enough it started falling off around 20 minutes and came completely off at about 40 when I was on the boardwalk. Knee doesn't hurt as much when I run in trails as long as there is good footing. The trails were kind of muddy so the footing wasn't great but not terrible. By the end I kind of ignored my knee pain, but afterwards hit hurt a good amount especially if I touched it. I iced it up before driving home. Having it in a constantd flexed position of 3.5 hours while driving didn't feel great.
