Run: Shake Out Previous Next


3:13 PM

4.5 mi


6:57 mi


143 bpm
161 bpm
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Melrose Loop

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Ran with Nate, Jeff, Spencer and Nick Trattner for the first half of their run. I wasn't feeling bad and decided to test my speed like I did last year on my birthday and see if I could beat my age in a 200m time trial. I got back to the indoor track and after a few short strides in spikes and some drills to be sure I was loose I set off. I felt incredible for through 150m. In hindsight, I should've done lane 3 or 4, but coming out of the somewhat tight, banked turn in lane 1. I tried to accelerate out of the turn but almost tripped myself up in doing so. I tried to maintain form to the line but I was beginning to lose balance. I flashed past the line and was astounded to see my watch read 25.66! (Mobility 20')
