Health: Injury Update Previous Next


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My glutes are very sore on the right side when I woke up and I have to admit it was concerning. It is the same discomfort I felt for the weeks following the initial injury, and the discomfort I haven't felt in about 3-4 weeks. I am unsure whether to look at this as a reoccurrence of injury or if it just merely sore from running for the first time in 9 weeks. I have never been injured this long and it is starting to cripple me mentally. I'm unsure of everything my body is telling me. All I want to do is run, and I want to run fast again, but I can't help but to feel defeated and growing more and more numb to the prospect of returning. was the Marathon Project my last good race of my competitive career? I am planning on pursuing my goals for the next year until I complete the master's program, from then, without improvement, maybe I just see where life takes me.
