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9:20 AM

7.9 mi


13:36 mi


adidas F50


157 bpm
173 bpm


72 F
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I planned to run 9 miles. It looked like it would happen. And then at 7.50 miles, the back of my left knee clenched again. It was very painful. I tried running a bit more, but the leg was too bad. It took me more than an hour to hobble the 1.5 miles home. I had to do an odd sideways step in order to walk at all. I have a doc appointment on the 11th to look at the knee. I will call every day and pester them to see if they have a cancellation, so that I can get in earlier. At this point, it doesn't look like I'll be able to run the July 10th 1/2M. I can't seem to get much beyond 7 miles. And my left leg is much too painful right now to evem walk.
