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10:27 AM

7 mi


13:33 mi


adidas F50


151 bpm
179 bpm


82 F
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T82, H50, DP59: I'm having trouble writing this today--computer keeps changing screens so I can't save. So, I'm saving, now, after each sentence. My plan today was to use the information I read on the thread sent by Rich yesterday. Each runner that was able to control the knee pain did so by backing off on speed as soon as they felt it starting. So, that was the plan. The knee was problematic right from the start, so I never really got up to any speed--just tried slow and steady. As soon as I felt the clenching start, I backed off even more.

I'd forgotten about an important piece of information that I read yesterday until it was too late. Runners were told to avoid hills. I didn't remember that until I was running up a hill. I didn't do that portion of the route thereafter. But there are no totally flat roads nearby, so I did what I could.

I believe I could have run further today than I did. I didn't really have a length in mind. I got out later than I would have preferred (business comes first). I stopped after 7 for a pit stop, and decided not go out again--It was too hot. No need to be stupid about it.
