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8:39 AM

13.5 mi


11.04 mi / hr


70 F
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Pewaukee Lake area

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T 63: I was totally whipped after the little swim. I had no leg-strength left. And of course, there is a .4 mile hill as soon as we make the first turn. I don't know how I got up that hill--or any other for that matter. It is much more difficult for me to ride after swimming, than run after riding. It was a good practice run; And shows me just how unfit I truly am. I thought I might have to walk up a few hills. It didn't happen. But that doesn't mean it won't after I've done a full swim, and then bike this same area. I wish I had a few more weeks to prepare.

My bike time is way off. I forgot to turn off the Garmin at the end of the ride. The last 3/4 mile or so was all down hill. I was going pretty fast. But I'll change it so that it's the same pace as the previous mile--which included some up and some down hill.

Even though my time looks pretty slow, given all the steep hills, and the short time I've been riding, I feel pretty good about that time. I expected it to be in the 9.9 neighborhood. Maybe it will be after a full swim.
