Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:10 AM

4.6 mi


6:32 mi


144 bpm
171 bpm


6 / 10
2 / 10
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A workout that started out great and ended pretty bad. Headed out to do a 1 mile tempo, then the Mona fartlek, and then perhaps another mile at tempo to close out the day. I warmed up well, and jumped into the mile tempo. Felt strong and was moving well along Hardscrabble, but toward the end got the tightness / cramping in my hamstring that I had on Sunday. There had been nothing there since Sunday (when I stopped and stretched, and it went away completely), but felt it strong during the last part of the mile here. Finished the piece, ran easy, and then stretched and massaged it, but it didn't go away the way it did on Sunday. I figured I'd try the Mona to see if it would ease up on its own -- and was reluctant to stop as I was feeling good today -- but just a few seconds into the first piece it seized up horribly and I had to stop. I walked for a few minutes and it eased up a little, but still quite painful. Was able to jog very slowly back home without too much trouble, but not sure what this is going to mean going forward.
