Vets Hockey game: Default Previous Next


9:05 PM



78.3 kg


18 C


9 / 10
9 / 10
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warm night for this time of year, we ended up with 10 after i got ray and john hol, and dave got dave the junior coach who has never played before :-) so glen scored a slightly lucky deflection after 10 or so minutes, and I remember thinking it was such a luxury having almost enough players..john hol kept passing it to me, and i kept getting free so he would! got more ball than in previous 3 games even though we were short! had a good try early in the game got on the end of a through ball, got to it before the goalie but squeezed wide maybe off goalie..did some good stuff including one really good trademark backstick steal, and a run across the circle and pass behind my back to keep ana ttack alive, and I reckon I won at leat 4 short corners..and hightlight i SCORED off a short corner, ray trapped, and passed back left to me, I had to control it, so then made a flick, which the goalie go to, but went between his legs,and off the postie, IN! it was going quite quick, happy to get one in our last c grade game. ps vs northside v the guys from wests, vu etc, and jeff from our over 50s, had chat with jeff before the game they have been short too. good game, good spirit, and we had some of the beers i brought, john h, dave, mark and me in the carpark aftewards. good times!
