Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


2:30 PM



78.7 kg


17 C


7 / 10
7 / 10
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vs gns, i had to pick up sam lackey to umpire, and ben from his place, and he took his mate sam along too! megan didnt come, but we went and visited ben the next day so she could be sure she saw him before we go away. lost 5 nil, only one nil at half time, they had two or three subs and we had the bare 11, with 3 under 17s, reece and the welsh twins. I had a couple of shots, one or two saved, and one went wide, but well enough hit I guess. then off to a nice night out with megan and neill and louise. points ben h 3, ben s 2, annie 1 (rock paper scissors with dave w, and I got a vote too! no steve harvey, ross angus or mark bayley we have some injur issues right now!! oh yeah gave chris k his copy of the leader with his photo in it, billed as being the first grade game from the weekend before which was funny.
