Strength: Max Test Previous Next


9:00 PM

3365 m


5.02 mi / hr


225 lb
  • Map

Pain Cave


Now that the gym is reasonably set up, went out to test some 1RMs to set up nSuns again.

BP: 45x10, 95x5, 115x3, 135x3, 155x3, 165x2. 1RM: 170

OHP: 45x10, 65x5, 85x3, 105x3, 115x0. 1RM: 111, but let's call it 110.

I'll do squats and DL over Wed/Thur.

As usual, I'll probably do the first week or two of nSuns just doing the T1 lifts until the old body gets used to the volume, then add the T2s. I've never had (or made) time to do accessory lifts after T2, but this time I'd like to add the ab wheel in on the appropriate days, but we'll see.

I also need to sort out the cardio this time. It'd be nice to hit it with the bike again, but we'll have to see if I can find a decent route, now that we've moved. Lots of traffic and stop lights/signs around here. I'd actually like to get back to running, but I think 10-15 pounds need to go first.
