Run: 7:00 to 7:14 Previous Next


7:00 PM

8 mi


7:22 mi


6 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map



2 @ 15:45, 1 @ 6:10, 2 @ 15:47, 1 @ 6:10, 2 @ 15:00. The quick miles felt effortless. My base mileage and endurance is spot on! I simply need to keep the miles per week over 50, stay dedicated to my long runs, and mix in weekly speedwork, to meet my sub 3 hour goal @ Boston.

My L hamstring tightened up each time I started running under 1 min per lap (1/6 mile track indoor @ MU). Otherwise everything was clicking even though I haven't felt good since Monday. I'd guess I could run a 5:30 without much trouble, but I was faster this time last year (but not nearly the endurance).
