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8:00 AM

26.2 mi


8:40 mi

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Fargo Marathon: 8:42, 8:23, 8:37, 8:34, 8:33, 8:22, 8:32, 8:30, 8:28, 8:35, 8:32, 8:26, 8:29, 8:37, 8:30, 8:29, 8:29, 8:31, 8:40, 8:37, 8:28, 8:33, 8:54, 9:14, 9:08, 9:11, 8:46. Hit the wall at 23 and could have dug down deeper but didn't. Was a great day - sunny, temp was around 60 - 63 degrees, wind was a bit of a factor but drafted behind my coach and the 3:45 pace team runners. Did better than I thought I was going to. It was gratifying to cross the finish line knowing I qualified for Boston and to celebrate with my wife and daughters. My coach was an inspiration to run with and I wouldn't have done as well if it hadn't been for the 13 week training plans she created for me and all the expert advice she gave me. Took Shot Bloks at 3, 6, 9, 12 (2); took a Gu at 15 and Shot Bloks at 21 and 23. Stopped briefly at a few water stops - mostly the last 4 mi. Didn't feel taxed at all up until 23 and then felt some slight cramping sensations in my calves but nothing serious. I'd do it again in a heart beat! What a thrill to run a half decent full.
