Run: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

13.7 mi


6:46 mi


48 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

A Loop


Man, I gotta stop staying up so late. If I got better sleep, I wouldn't have felt so shitty this morning as well. Even when I started running, I still felt extremely drowsy and my vision was very blurry. Forced myself to run with the front group so I wouldn't be dragging behind everyone else. Worked this way until people started splitting off to run the perfect 10 and suddenly I found myself far behind the front group. Eventually caught up and stayed with them until the Statues extension. Went on my own and finished with everyone else already gone, so I just went straight home. Good long run, almost forgot that I slept really poorly last night.



Sleep tight pupper