Run: Easy Previous Next


7:45 AM

4 mi


7:30 mi


65 F


6 / 10
7 / 10


Met at the Overpeck track at Leonia to meet the track club. Met a few people there, but not all of the members were there since they had a race tomorrow. Got to run with them for the warmup and then finish off the rest of my 30 minutes with Chris. Officially following the Coach's plan from here on out.

He wants me to race a 5k in 2 weeks, which I'm not too particularly excited about since I'm starting running again, but that should be the last race for a while so might as well see what I can do. Got to check out the track, their "tempo loop" and their workout culture as well. The coach is very friendly and individualizes each person's workout and has a decent rate as well. Going to head out to their bbq tomorrow to meet the rest of the guys too. Just really happy to be running with people again and glad to finally come across a serious running club that isn't too far away from where I live/work.



this'll be cool to see their training plan. I'm happy you found a squad :)