Run: Easy Previous Next


5:53 AM

5.1 mi


7:21 mi


144 bpm
160 bpm


46 F
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Easy with 7 strides interspersed the last couple of miles. South wind today 12 mph.

The Garmin-Firstbeat stuff is showing my training going backwards, but I do not believe it and cannot believe it. For one thing, I ran yesterday's 3-mile tempo run 30 seconds faster (or more) than I have done for months. It was a push, but it was not terrible -- I definitely could have run it faster if I had really dug for it. So, that is an indicator that the "unproductive" status and 60 VO2max (going down) are rubbish. I cannot believe the downward trends, because I also refuse to let that crap get into my head. Be gone with you! I banish you to the nether regions of running Hades.
