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10:44 AM

12 mi


9:08 mi


76 F
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OP / Hamburg / Eden Loop

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Easy run after my 24 miler yesterday. I felt like I put little effort into this run & was very surprised at the pace. After a couple beers & not much sleep last night, I felt "absent" during this run - very odd feeling. I definitely felt & tasted the (3 whole...!) beers I had last night though... It was a lot warmer than I would have liked though.

Ran into Mike Reed in the village. He was on crutches & had a railroad tie accidentally dropped on his achilles & ~30 stitches the weekend after the Mud Run! What a bummer. Nice to both run into someone & chat mid-run.

Rest day tomorrow. I'm sure I can use it, but although I felt a little sore last night, this run really shook my legs out & I feel pretty good right now. It's sad when a 12 miler doesn't really do anything for me & is just another chore...
