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7:54 PM

12.5 mi


8:39 mi


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OP / Hamburg / Eden Loop

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Another mid-week medium distance run. Mowed the lawn first, but still got out. Very comfortable weather.

I liked the route I'd done for my 12 miler Sunday, so I did it again.

The village of Hamburg was hopping when I went through - I need to spend some more time there.

I had to add a short out & back at the end of the route last time, so I took Bunting to Newton this time. It ended up adding more than I'd expected, but it's the route I'd take next time. I had some math issues at Taylor & thought I'd be going long, but told myself to stick to East Eden & am glad I did - it was good distance-wise.

The highlight of the run by far was on Eckhardt - as I was coming up the hill just after turning off of East Eden, what I thought was a cat jumped out of the ditch in front of me. Like 8 feet in front of me. Except it was no cat - it was a raccoon. By the time I hit the brakes, I was about 4 feet from it - the closest I've been in a long time & too close for comfort. The weird thing is that it froze in place, but instead of looking at me, it looked away. I had my headlamp on & maybe I blinded it, but that threw me. It was as if he was messing with me. I backed away slowly, looking into the ditch for more, but he just stayed there. I made sure I was in an athletic stance as I backed away, should he have attacked & I had to wrestle/make a new hat. As all this was going on, a car approached from behind me & he jumped back into the ditch. I got going fast. Pretty unique experience!
