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5:35 PM

6 mi


8:18 mi

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UB Indoor Track

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This was a fast paced run in the UB indoor track. They say it's 1/6 mile, but it's a bit more.

I ended up with a guy tailing me for the first ~3 miles & knew I was going too fast, but didn't pull back until I saw a 1:17 lap. He passed me then & let me know he'd been using me as a pacer. I wasn't running with headphones & told him I could tell. He didn't run many miles more.

I ended up with another guy tailing me for a couple more miles. I could hear him clicking his lap button at a different place on the loop than I. The laps were clicking in very consistently at 1:21. I grabbed a drink at one lap & as the guy went past, he told me "nice job, very even". I think he might have been a Checkers guy - he's older than me & I've seen him there before.

It felt good to run that hard that long. Been a while since I've had as solid of a workout.
