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7:40 AM

8 mi


I knew the watch was low on battery & threw it on the charger, but must not have connected it properly & it was ready to die when I was ready to head out. I went out regardless.

I took off the afternoon to get some stuff done & watch the opening game of the World Cup. It'd been hot & muggy this afternoon & I knew there was rain coming, but the band looked thin & I was hoping it'd pass. It was thin, but it moved slow - I got rained out pretty good for the out & less, but still all the way on the back. At the turn around, the sun was poking out, but it was still overcast - perfect rainbow weather. And then there it was - a beautiful one, double at times. It lasted for almost a mile back. I stopped & took it in - that may have only been the 2nd one I've seen while out running. (The other was at Sprague Brook, over a field as I popped out of the woods)

I think I put in a decent effort for this run.

My feet itched pretty good for a while after I got back. Rest day tomorrow & then 20 on Saturday.
