Run: Hill Previous Next


8:34 PM

12.5 mi


9:12 mi


138.5 lb


60 F
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Eckhardt -> Feddick -> Rice -> Rockwood -> Shero -> Back Creek

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Busy day! I came home from work an hour early, mowed the lawn, headed back to Nichols for a coed soccer game, came home & headed out the door at 8:30 for a night run. With legs still not recovered from the race, I think this may be pushing it.

I was supposed to do 13, but didn't want to spend a whole lot of time plotting that out, wanted to do some hills & 12.5 was pretty close.

I forgot how awesome it was to be out in the hills in the dark. Simply beautiful. When I hit Rockwood, there were even some glow bugs out!

I definitely slowed at the end & was beat - the massive downhill just prior seems to put a hurting on my quads still.

My hamstring was fine, but my left achilles was sore again.
