Run: VO2 Previous Next


7 mi

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First run with the team! Hooray!

5 min at MSI, then N on the lake.

Got well behind the second group on the 2-min interval. A combination of factors: I think I don't push the pace on these as hard on the fast parts when I'm alone; I don't jog the recoveries as quickly; I slept 1.5 hours last night; it's hot and humid.

I'm really really hopeful that this season doesn't look like last year with me coming in out of shape and then never getting my mind into a good racing mentality because of that. I'm hopeful because I do think I'm in better shape than I was coming in last year, it's a month earlier, and this time I've got other people to work with who are excited about the season and what we can do as a team. I want to contribute something awesome to this team. I don't want to be barely trying to hang on. I've got something to work for. I'm really glad we've got these five weeks to concentrate only on running and taking care of ourselves - it hasn't always been the priority this summer, so I'm that much happier I'm here.
