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10 mi

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There's no entry for hiking, but this was a 10 mile hike, not a 10 mile elliptical workout. I just didn't want it to count the mileage for running.

Anyway, I drove out to Harpers Ferry, WV for the first day of summer. I started my stint on the Appalachian Trail here four years ago today! In 2005 I started walking north from Harpers and stopped when I got to Maine about three months later. Today was a quick stint - started from the same spot and headed south on the trail for about five miles. I met a whole bunch of hikers who stopped to talk, including a South African woman and a guy named Poseidon who had done over 30 miles the day before! (My longest day was 23, and that was HARD.) It was good to be back out there and remember how much I love the trail and what it does to people - makes you slow down a lot and you get this incredible openness and willingness to have real conversations with people, with complete strangers. I miss it. Everybody I talked to asked when I was going to finish and do the southern half. As soon as I can get three months to do it in!
