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8:51 AM

8 mi


8:18 mi


170 lb


65 F
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I was hoping to do 4 intervals at about a 7:10 pace but ended up only doing 3 one mile intervals at a 7:15 average pace. I did a 1/4 mile recovery jog between each one at a 9:20 pace. I started to already slow on the 3rd interval so I decided to not even attempt the 4th one. It was pouring down and I was going through some ankle deep water but I don't think that was the main reason that I had to cut the workout short. Since I have been nursing this hip, this is the first speed work that I have done in about a month. Because of this, I have really lowered my expectations for the Borodash race next week. I really wanted to break 28 minutes there but now I will be lucky to break 29 minutes.
