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8:00 AM

21.1 km


4:19 km


154 kg
158 bpm


8 C


Going into this I thought 1:30-32 might be possible (see March 24 entry) but really wasn't sure.

Had a gel before (in addition to earlier breakfast). Not much warmup - a few ankle rotations, calf raises etc. then an 800m pretty fast jog to make it 2 mins before the gun - but it seemed adequate. After a little bit fast first km at 4:07, settled into a maybe fairly even effort.

Glanced at Garmin splits and average pace a few times but ran the race largely by feel (form quality not HR being the main limiting factor) and by trying to stick with people (I knew the race times of one guy) for pacing as well as wind blocking. It wasn't very windy (10-20 km/h maybe), but for me (6'1"" and 154 lbs) I might add 2 minutes without any wind block. Stride quality varied between busted and tolerable, in an organically cyclical fashion. One of the most chatty and social halves for me (over 1 minute of chat, that is huge for me).

Drank twice I think. Swallowed a tiny bit of air in one drink. For me, this can lead to a stitch and it did around 13km or so. I had to drop pace slightly, was dropped from my little pack, and had to spend about 10 minutes using forced exhale breathing to try to relax that and get rid of it. Not the first time that's happened. (Yes, clearly I need to learn to drink.) I was alone for a while but ran with a couple of isolated people for part of the rest.

Feeling some fatigue around 18km maybe and wanted to go into a lope but kept it from getting too bad with some effort (sugar might help a bit. Considered carrying a gel but didn't - the bounce in the pocket, the $1.80, being a slave to the Power Gel Company etc.)

Had a guy to chase in the final bit. He went by and had more in him than I did. (Thanked me after for pulling him along for 5 km). Not much finishing sprint due to exhausted legs.

A double out and back of 10km then 11.1km with approx paces 4:15, 4:17, 4:17, 4:22.
