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24 mi


7:26 mi

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Ran 24 miles in 2:58:17.51 (7:25.7 min./mi.) Today's plan, 20 miles in sub 2:35:00. Was really feeling strong the final fifteen miles, that's why I pushed beyond the twenty mile mark. Had a 3:15 marathon in me today, and that's not bad considering that I'm not even training for anything or really running that many miles per week. A run like this makes me think that I might still have another sub three-hour marathon in me if I'm willing to put in the work it takes to get the job done.

Mile Splits: 7:48.01, 7:45.05, 7:40.33, 7:38.65, 7:40.92, 7:33.00, 7:41.88, 7:37.00, 7:34.05, 7:25.97, 7:22.13, 7:18.97, 7:21.98, 7:26.55, 7:23.07, 7:13.83, 7:19.10, 7:16.22, 7:14.78, 6:57.87, 7:14.10, 7:18.48, 7:10.45, 7;15.12

5k Splits: 24:04, 23:35 (47:39), 23:42 (1:11:21), 22:50 (1:34:11), 22:54 (1:57:05), 22:34 (2:19:39), 22:51 (2:42:30)

H/M: 1:39:13
