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18 mi


7:28 mi

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Ran 18 miles in 2:14:22.14 (7:27.9 min./mi.) Today's plan, 20 miles @ 7:30 min./mi. Had a bit of an emergency pop up and had to cut this run short, but still a very good run.

Mile Splits: 7:42.91, 7:37.10, 7:34.95, 7:33.88, 7:37.07, 7:34.93, 7:32.70, 7:34.95,

7:28.95, 7:26.08, 7:26.87, 7:21.98, 7:20.02, 7:22.98, 7:22.86, 7:15.06, 7:21.00, 7:07.85

5k Splits: 23:45, 23:31 (47:16), 23:23 (1:10:39), 22:57 (1:33:36), 22:51 (1:56:27)

H/M: 1:38:36
