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7:00 AM

22 mi


7:16 mi

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<No name>


Ran 22 miles in 2:39:46.76 (7:15.8 min./mi.) Today's plan, 26.2 miles in 3:10:00. Using the St. Mary's/Marshall University Marathon course I had several time goals, I missed them all. Wanted to hit the 10k mark in 45:00, missed it. Wanted to make the half-way point in 1:34:00, missed it. 2:25:00 for twenty miles was the next goal, missed that too. At this point it was becoming physical and mental. Ran out of hydration just past the 17 mile mark, add to that a solo run with nothing, or no one, to help push (or pull) me along, just decided to shut it down. Overall though I still think it was a good run, just a little disappointing not to finish though.

This run does complete an 86.2 mile week and 198.3 for the month/year.

Mile Splits: 7:29.28, 7:24.70, 7:20.96, 7:18.92, 7:17.98, 7:10.29, 7:15.28, 7:18.10, 7:13.80, 7:14.03, 7:19.02, 7:23.10, 7:19.90, 7:17.47, 7:13.00, 7:11.06, 7:12.87, 7:10.07, 7:12.99, 7:03.01, 7:08.00, 7:12.93

5k Splits: 23:03, 22:26 (45:29), 22:34 (1:08:05), 22:39 (1:30:44), 22:39 (1:53:23), 22:40 (2:15:43), 22:09 (2:37:52)

H/M: 1:35:48

20 Mile: 2:25:22
