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8:30 PM

18 mi


7:52 mi


69 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


Ran 18 miles in 2:21:27.82 (7:51.5 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 miles in 2:07:00. An uneventful 16 miler with a couple of add on miles. Right plantaris tendon appreciated the day off yesterday, but was still far from 100%. I don't suspect that this troublesome tendon will be a hundred percent until a few weeks after the Columbus and Marshall marathons; until the two marathons are completed I will just have to baby it along and hope that it does not rupture as it has three times before.

Mile Splits: 8:01.17, 8:03.68, 7:56.00, 7:50.80, 7:53.30, 7:48.10, 7:58.92, 7:57.97, 7:49.00, 7:45.83, 7:51.07, 7:46.18, 7:44.10, 7:45.60, 7:51.83, 7:47.94, 7:50.33, 7:46.00

5k Splits: 24:53, 24:16 (49:09), 24:35 (1:13:44), 24:12 (1:37:56), 24:17 (2:02:13)

H/M: 1:43:12
