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8:00 PM

12 mi


7:27 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:29:16.71 (7:26.4 min./mi.) Today's plan, twelve miles in 1:30:00, With the Columbus Marathon two weeks ago, and the Marshall University Marathon (MUM) in a week, I decided that I needed at least one good "stressful" run on my legs before next Sunday; this run accomplished the goal. I have had no problems with my plantaris tendon since Columbus, however I have been experiencing Achilles tendonitis pain near my right heal. This could be a problem next week, but since I'm not concerned with running any specific time, I'm not going to worry about it. I wanted to BQ at one of my fall marathons, with that accomplished at Columbus what time I run next week at MUM is not important.

Mile Splits: 7:41.96, 7:39.00, 7:35.95, 7:30.92, 7:28.15, 7:19.98, 7:14.00, 7:17.82, 7:18.95, 7:21.93, 7:25.07, 7:22.98,

5k Splits: 23:47, 22:59 (46:48), 23:49 (1:09:37)
