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2:00 PM

16 mi


7:27 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 1:59:11.36 (7:27.0 min./mi.) Today's plan, 2WU miles, 12 miles @ 7:06 min,/mi., 2 CD miles. Was not nutritionally ready for this run. Do not exactly go as planned, just couldn't seem to get up to the desired pace; I'll just have to give it another try next week or so. Of course 82.2 miles over the last five days might have not made my legs as fresh as they could have been.

WU: 8:15.89, 8:11.02

Pace Miles: 7:19.35, 7:21.58, 7:19.97, 7:20.05, 7:13.15, 7:16.68, 7:10.17, 7:00.23, 7:02.72, 7:07.88, 7:07.97, 7:04.65 (1:12:24.40 / 7:14.4 min./mi.)

CD:8:07.08, 8:12.97
