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50.2 mi


10:02 mi


50 F
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<No name>


Wow was this difficult. I mean brutal. I completely underestimated how hard this would be, I must admit.

The Appalachian trail section was very technical and I was very out of my comfort zone for what felt like forever. Once I was on the flat tow path, I put up a fight for a bit but it was one issue after the next.

Some splits that highlight this part:

Miles 17-25: 7:52, 8:08, 8:16, 8:04, 8:03, 8:07, 8:15, 8:02, 8:16

Left hip flexor and left IT band started to hurt a bit, then calves. Then left patella/patellar tendon, which almost had me drop out at mile 38, but some words of encouragement from those around me helped me push through, as well as my parents surprising me by being at that aid station. Ran the 26.3 mile towpath section in 4:02:52.

The road section at the end (last ~ 8 miles) was a relief from the towpath mentally, but at that point everything hurt (badly) and it felt like it was never going to end. This was a real test. Definitely learned a thing or two about myself. Didn't get the sub 8 hours like I wanted, but I'll take the finish. Hopefully the knees heal up soon.
