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9:58 AM

4.5 mi


9:09 mi




155.2 lb


64 F
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Inspired Hybrid - Downtown Westerly/Courtland/Prospect Streets (

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After an casually-extended break, I'm off this morning for a solo run on a simply gorgeous day... My initial thought is to do our 10-mile "Butterfly" run today before M & Gwen do it tomorrow (with the Kids coming over tonight and beer flowing, I thought today might be a safer bet for me) but early on I realize that, especially given my lack of mileage lately, I really miss running with other people - Making this a shorter run to prep for the Butterfly tomorrow with the two girls seems ideal, and I really enjoy the balance of the experience. Awesome days, and particularly since I only very slightly at first feel the bruised right heel deep down from the Bearathon mixed-run day, it feels SO good to be back in the thick of things...

Now let's see how things work out with the moving/Condo idea that is so powerfully building steam with M and I - Stalking around the Fountain Preserve condos in Westerly def stirs my soul and all that inspires (as does the Lindsey Stirling and Ronald Jenkees pumping into my headphones right now...) Life is gut and Adventure is afoot!
