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9:55 AM

6.1 mi


10:00 mi


153.6 lb


70 F
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Ultra-Inspired Hybrid - Stewart Road/Barn Island Trail (+GAR)

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Simply an amazing experience, particularly on the heels of great conversations with M recently re: simplifying and mobilizing our life, and an extremely interesting video viewing last night of Tim Ferris protege and new vegan Ultrarunning star Rich Roll... Mixing up a bit, with M out for a post-birthday bike ride, and thoughts of a conversation with tool neighbor Steve Bessette fresh in mind, I decide to go for a short outing this AM past Uncle Walter's house - According to both Steve and M, the Barn Island trail system connects up to the end of Stewart Road somewhere, and my hope is to find the entry point. Not only is the transition from road to off-road trail clear and perfectly identifiable, once I enter the refuge my run becomes something else entirely...
